Chapter 5: Training

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As time passes, the sun disappeared, and the a moon that lights up the sky appears.

A red-haired middle-aged man have just arrived at the Rass manor. He is Arkint de Rass. The head of the Rass family, and Carsein's father.

As soon as he entered the house, he was greeted by his wife, Ernia and immediately went to the dining room together while conversing. They talked as they sat down and waited for their son to come. Not long after, a red-haired young man with clear-blue eyes entered the dining room.

"You're home, father." Carsein greeted.

"Yeah, sit down, Sein. Let's have our dinner now."


Carsein pulled a chair and sat down on the right side of the table. Soon after, the maids entered the dining room and served dinner. Once all food has been served, they started eating.

Everything went by peacefully. None of them uttered a single word while eating. As time passes, they finished their course meal, and dessert was served.

"I heard from your mother that you went to the temple today." Arkint opened up a conversation. "What's going on? Why did you suddenly go to the temple? In the past you wouldn't go even if we forced you."

The red-haired young man flinched, he glanced at his father, who looked at him with a smile. Carsein adverted his eyes away and scratched his cheek.

"It's nothing special... uh... there's just something I'm curious about, so I went to research." He answered.

"Research? Why research at the temple? There are more research materials at the Palace Library, though."

"Well... I don't really know if the Palace Library has the answer to what I'm looking for, so... I went to the temple."

Arkint stared at his son for a few moment, and then nodded.

"If it's nothing special, then that's good." The man said, looking relieved. "By the way, how's training?"

"All good, i guess. There's nothing special about it."

"I see." Arkint nodded, and then picked up a small spoon and scooped up his dessert. The meal continued with Arkint chatting with Ernia, while Carsein hurriedly finished his dessert and asked permission to go back to his room.


Carsein lied down on his bed and recalled the information that he got about the stone that he held on his hand. Staring at it.

'That person... he made a wish to cure his wife, and then his wife immediately got healthy. He also said that he heard god's voice, just like me. The next pages of the diary didn't indicate more information about this stone.'

He closed his eyes and recalled the previous events. How he was brought back to the past to before he even met the silver-haired girl.

'What I wished for was to confess, but why am I brought back to before I met her instead of to that time when we were heading back to the capital from the Monique's estate. That time in the golden fields?'

"What is this, seriously. It's confusing!!"

He hid his face under the pillow for a while and calmed down. Then, something came to his mind. He immediately sat up.

"Wait... isn't this a chance to redo everything? Not only confessing... but I can also build a stronger relationship with her and she may even like me back!" Carsein exclaimed, a big smile on his face. "Who cares if I should have time slipped to that moment instead of this? This is my chance to earn her heart!"

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