Chapter 10: Provocation

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"I'm sorry, but can I chat with sir Carsein for a bit before coming in?"

"...Chat?" Aristia turned to look at Carsein, glaring at him. She felt conflicted, but in the end nodded. "Okay, then..."

"Thank you, Aristia. We'll catch up to you later."

Carsein rolled his clear-blue eyes. Already knowing what Allendis was about to say. The silver-haired walk away from them, heading inside the building.

The knights following her inside. Leaving the two young man alone in the training grounds.

"What do you want to talk about?" Carsein asked out of courtesy with irritated voice.

"I see that you've befriended Aristia while I was out on the expedition." Allendis began. "I'd like to thank you for that. Thanks to you, my lady wasn't lonely for the past year."

'Ha! What utter bullshit.'

"But since I have returned, you may stop seeing Aristia now. I'll keep her company."

"Who are you?"


"Just who are you that you would tell me to stop befriending Aristia? Are you the Emperor? The Crown Prince? You're just her f-r-i-e-n-d."

Allendis remained calm, a sinister smile is drawn on his face.

"I thought you're smarter than this, sir Carsein. Can't you grasp what I'm trying to say? I'm saying get lost, don't meddle in between me and my lady."

"Wow, I didn't expect that you'll show your true colors this fast. And you sure are dumber than I thought you would be. Can't you understand? My life is my life, don't tell me what to do. Also, I won't disappear from Aristia's side. N.E.V.E.R. So give up on trying to separate us, you weed."

"Hm, fine then. Let me just ask you a question. How much do you think you've known about Aristia?"

'This thing again?'

"Well, one thing for sure, I know so much more about her than the current you do." Carsein jeered.

"Oh, is that so? Kindly recite to me then, your first meeting with her, what was she wearing, how many hours have you spent together, how many cups of tea you've had, how many times you've hugged and patted her head. Go on, sir Carsein."

"Crazy bastard." The red-haired cursed. "You never change do you. Who the hell would calculate all those stuff? It just shows insincerity. Oh right, you approached Aristia with a purpose didn't you? Which is why you're calculating all those ridiculous stuff. Get lost, weed. Aristia belongs to Aristia, not you, not me, not the crown prince."

After saying that, Carsein turned back and headed inside, leaving Allendis who stood there with an angry face.


Carsein entered the drawing room. A silver-haired girl sitting on the sofa while reading a book filled his sight.

The sound of the door creaking attracts the girl's attention, causing her to divert her eyes from the book to the door.

"Carsein, you're back." Aristia greeted.


"Where's Allendis? Wait... you didn't beat him up didn't you??"

"This girl... as much as I hate that weed I won't beat him up!" (You almost did when they hugged though.)

"Weed? Are you perhaps addressing Allendis by that title? You're being rude, stop that!"

"It's fine, Aristia." The chartreuse-haired appeared out of nowhere. "He didn't beat me up, we just had a brief conversation. Right, carrot boy?"

"What did you say?" Carsein glared at the emerald gems.

"An eye for an eye. Weed and carrot. They're both root plants, so it should be okay shouldn't it?" Allendis' lips curved a gentle grin, laughing inside.

"Stop it, both of you." Aristia got between them. "Carsein, Allendis just got back from an expedition, stop provoking him. Allendis, you should stop too. It's not like you to be so worked up about those kind of things."

"Why mee??" Carsein whined, then he glared at the chartreuse-haired.

"I'm sorry, Aristia." Allendis apologized.

"It's fine." The silver-haired replied. "Please take a seat. Let's have some tea. Today's we'll be having lemon balm. You're fine with it right, Carsein?"

"Hmm." Carsein shrugged, sitting down on the sofa opposite of Aristia.

Aristia called Rina to bring a tea set and some assortments for them. Once the tea set is brought, Aristia immediately brewed the tea, pouring it into three cups, handing the red-haired and chartreuse-haired one cup each.

"Are you okay with the taste?" She asked. Her golden eyes looking at the red-haired who sipped his cup. Their eyes met.

"Well... its bearable." Carsein said honestly, taking a cookie and chewing it down.

"Ah right, Allendis. You said a present that is white, warm, and sweet will be coming this spring on your letter. Did you perhaps made some white chocolate?"

"Gee, Aristia. You still haven't realized it? It's me! The present. I'm a warm, sweet man after all." The chartreuse-haired said with a sweet smile.

Carsein spatted the tea he was just drinking out. While Aristia laughed.

"Gosh, Allendis, you and your jokes." She chuckled.

"Well then, since I'm back... don't you have any presents for me?" Allendis asked.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I prepared one. Hold on a sec, I'll go get it."

Allendis smirked at the red-haired. Indirectly telling the guy, 'I win'. Carsein just scoffed at him.

After a few moments, Aristia returned with two  dark blue colored boxes with silver colored ribbons.

"Here you are, Allendis." She handed a box to him.

"Thank you, Aristia." The chartreuse-haired received it with a smile. "Can I open it?"

"Sure." Aristia replied, then glanced at Carsein who stared at the two of them. She took the other box and handed it to the red-haired. "Here is yours."

The red-haired flinched, not expecting that he, too, would receive a gift. His lips curved up, then he received the box.

"Thanks." The red-haired thanked her, a grin on his face.

"You're welcome." Aristia smiled.

Allendis froze. Looking at the two irritates him. Just then, a knock came from the door.

"My lady, it's Rina." Rina voiced out from the back of the door.

"Come in."

The orange-haired maid entered the room with a letter on her hand.

"You have received a letter, lady Aristia."

"Really? Who is it from?"

Rina handed the letter to the silver-haired girl. The moment she saw the emblem of the letter, Aristia flinched. The insignia of a roaring lion. A letter from the royal palace.

To be specific, a letter from the crown prince, Prince Ruveliss.

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