Chapter 9: Allendis de Verita

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"A bookmark, you'll make one for me too, right?"

Aristia stood still. Not saying a word. She lifted her hand and placed a finger in front of her chin. A habit that she would always show when she's thinking.

"Hmm... I'll think about it." She replied, giving a vague answer.

"What??? Ahh, come one, give me one..." the red-haired begged.

"Why do you want a bookmark so bad? Do you even read books?"

"Of course I do. Despite spending my days learning swordsmanship, I'm still the son of a duke y'know."


Knock, knock.

Someone knocked the door.

"M'lady, it's Rina." A voice called out from the back of the door.

"Come in."

The maid entered, carrying a tray with two cups on top.

"I've brought some hot chocolate, lady Tia."

"Oh, thank you, Rina."

The orange-haired maid put the two cups, cakes and cookies on top of the table, then she took a step back.

"Well, I will be taking my leave now, miss. Please call me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Rina."

Rina opened the door and left quietly. Leaving the two inside.

"Here, drink it, Carsein." Aristia handed a cup of hot chocolate to the red-haired, who accepted with a smile.


Carsein sipped the hot chocolate. It's warm and sweet, perfect for warming themselves in the cold winter. Suddenly, he heard a small giggle from beside him.

The silver-haired giggled as she stared at a cup of hot chocolate and a cream cake in front of her.

"Why are you laughing? That's scary." Carsein commented.

"No, I recalled something funny that happened last year."

"What, something that happened with your dear friend?"

"How did you know?"

"Just guessing."

"Is that so.."

Aristia lifted the cup and sipped the hot chocolate, forming a smile on her face as she stared at the cup.

Carsein pouted.

"I don't like it." He voiced out his thoughts.

"Eh? Is there a problem with the hot chocolate?"

"No, not that."

"Then what?"

Carsein paused for a moment and looked deep into the golden orbs.

"I don't like you thinking of other people when you're with me."

'The weed, to be more exact.'

Aristia froze. Trying to grasp and understand the red-haired's words. Then she laughed.

"What's with you? Stop joking around."

'I'm 100% serious though.'

Aristia lifted the plate with a slice of cream cake and took a spoon. She used the spoon to cut a small piece and scooped the cake up.

Just before the spoon enters her mouth, Carsein leaned his head forward in a flash and ate the cake on her spoon.

The silver-haired girl froze at his action. The clear-blue orbs met with the golden eyes. The distance of their faces are just a few centimeters away.

Neither of them diverted their eyes from each other. As if time stopped at that single moment. A moment after, Carsein backed down and sat back on the sofa.

"The cake... sure is delicious." He uttered, his face looking at another direction, hiding his red face.

Flustered, Aristia immediately put the plate and spoon on the table in front of where Carsein is sitting at. She took her cup and sipped some hot chocolate. Hoping to calm herself down.

"You have that cake." She said, while putting her cup down and taking another plate of cream cake on the table. She grabbed another spoon and ate the cake while looking at the opposite direction to where the red-haired is looking at.

Things got awkward thereafter, but only lasted for a few hours. The situation soon went back to normal as Carsein started joking around.


Pink flower petals fluttered around the Monique manor's garden. The soft, sweet, and cool breeze and refreshing taste of grass filled the whole atmosphere.

Winter passed, and early spring arrives.

Carsein took a deep breath, engulfing the soft spring air. Seeing the cherry blossom bloom and flutter livens up his mood.

He walked into the training field and was about to jog, however something caught his eye. It was two people, a silver haired girl and chartreuse-haired boy hugging each other under the falling cherry blossom petals.

The sight of it irritated him. The exact same scenario happened in the past. The red-haired immediately ran towards the two people and separated them.

"Ca-Carsein??" Aristia stuttered.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, sir?" The red-haired faced the chartreuse-haired, his clear-blue eyes glared at him.

With an innocent face, the boy with emerald eyes asked, "Aristia, who may this be?"

"I'm Carsein de Rass, the second son of Duke Rass." Carsein introduced himself, hiding Aristia behind him. Gripping her hand. "I'll ask you one more time. What do you think you're doing, sir?"

"Ca-Carsein! Wait, let me go!" Aristia exclaimed, trying to let go of his grip.

"My, you're the second son of Duke Rass? Pleased to meet you, I am Allendis de Verita, the second son of Duke Verita." Allendis introduced himself. "It seems that sir Carsein has misunderstood the situation, I am simply greeting a dear friend that I have missed so much."

"By hugging? Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Carsein, stop it!" Aristia tried to stop the red-haired from provoking Allendis.

"Sir Allendis, don't you have any sense self-awareness? What if someone misunderstood the two of you because you were hugging like that and spreads a rumor? Aristia will be deeply affected by that. There are many eyes watching."

"I could say the same thing to you, sir Carsein." Allendis retorted with a sneer on his face, his voice still sounding very calm. "What if someone misunderstood from seeing you hold Aristia like what you are doing right now? There are many eyes watching."

"Why you little—!" The red-haired let go of Aristia's hand and was just about to grab the charteuse-haired's collar, but...


He stopped once he heard a voice calling out his name. Not yelling, nor screaming. But calling his name put in a loud, cold, but serious tone.

Carsein turned his head towards the source of the voice, and met the pair of golden orbs burning up with icy fury.

"Just what do you think you're trying to do with my guest?"

"Aristia, he—!"

"When we hugged each other, it's not only his fault. I'm at fault to. I should've been more careful." Aristia sorted out the situation. "In fact you're the one who kept grasping my hand even though I ask for you to let go."

"Hey, that was—! Ah fine, I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology. Well then, shall we head inside now?"

"Excuse me, Aristia." Allendis called out to the silver-haired girl.

"What is it, Allendis?"

"I'm sorry, but can I chat with sir Carsein for a bit before coming in?"

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