Chapter 13: Speak Out

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"I've been wondering since a long time ago... why do you always avoid making eye contact with me?"

Aristia could not believe her ears, the crown prince who wouldn't even give a damn about her in the past asked her about her treatment towards him. Not knowing what to answer, she just played dumb.

"Pardon? I don't understand what you mean your highness."

"Oh I'm sure you know very well what I mean, so stop playing dumb and tell me the reason."

The silver-haired girl kept her mouth shut. Not replying to Ruveliss who demanded an explanation. A long silence occurred between them.

"You." The blue-haired called.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Do you take the position of the crown prince's fiancé as a joke?"


"You ignored me when we met in the palace garden, then you would always tremble every time you're with me. You can laugh and joke around with other guys but you would always be so stern towards me. Today, you left your position and danced with another man first before dancing with your own fiancé on his coming-of-age ceremony. What's with you?"

Aristia remained silent. Not even trying to explain herself since she knows that its pointless even if she tried. She couldn't focus.

"Ah!" Her feet stumbled on something.

Right before she fell to the floor, Ruveliss pulled her closer towards him and whispered, "How unpleasant."

The music stopped, and the crowd started clapping after witnessing the two dancing together.

The blue-haired gently pushed the girl away from him and they both bowed at each other, indicating that the dance was over.

They both walked away from the dance floor and headed to the throne where the emperor sat.

Nobles from all over the empire and from foreign countries lined up to present the gifts that they brought to congratulate the prince who had just turned into an adult.

The emperor sat in the middle, with Ruveliss sitting on the right side of his seat.

"Then, your highness I will be going now." Aristia excused herself.

"Where to?"


"Don't wonder anywhere and just sit here." The blue orbs glanced at the chair placed on his right.

The silver-haired stared at the chair reluctantly. Not sure of what she should do.

Ruveliss noticed her reluctance and said, "This is an order."

"...yes, your highness..."

She sighed and obeyed his order as she does not have the power to disobey him. Aristia sat on the seat and stared at the crowd of people. Her eyes looking and waiting for a certain person to come.

"You." She heard a voice from her left, and turned her head towards that direction.

A pair of blue-orbs staring at her and they accidentally made eye contact. The golden-orbs immediately looked away from the cold gaze.

Ruveliss frowned, feeling offended.

"You. Why are you so scared of me?"


"Is it because... you remember something from the past?"

The golden orbs widened, staying alert.

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