Chapter 8: A Day in Winter

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"Wow, it's snowing outside!"

The golden-eyes looked out of the window where the world is covered with snow, holding a green-colored paper on her hand. It is now winter of year 960 of the Castina Empire.

"You've just realized that?" A voice interrupted the young girl who was busy admiring the beautiful view of the white world.

"Good morning, Carsein. You're early today." The silver-haired girl greeted the red-haired who just came. She paused for moment, something caught her eye. "Aren't you cold?"

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"I mean, your clothes..." Aristia examined him from head to toe. A grey-colored long-sleeve shirt with one button opened, black knee-length pants, and calf-length winter boots. Not even wearing a coat, nor a scarf. "You should wear something warmer."

Slowly, Carsein's lips curved up, forming a teasing smile.

"Oh, are you worried about me right now, lady Aristia?" He jokingly said.

Aristia paused, then she frowned. The words "what the hell", "so annoying", "stop joking", and "get lost" are written all over her face. Not playing along with the joke, the silver-haired girl turned back and walked away.

"Wait, Ti—! No, Aristia, where are you going?" The red-haired followed the girl from behind, catching up to her. "Are you mad? I'm was just joking with you."

The girl did not answer, nor responded to him. Carsein then walked slightly faster and stopped right in front of her. She walked slightly to both left and right, but the red-haired managed to block her.

Carsein grabbed her hand, and said, "Hey, I'm sorry. I won't do that again so, can't you at least respond to me?"


Suddenly, the girl started laughing. She lifted her head, her golden orbs met the clear-blue eyes which stared at her with surprise.

"Do you really think I'm mad? I'm just teasing you, sir Carsein."

The red-haired paused. Digesting the situation.

"What? So you're just acting like you're mad?"


"Hey, I was surprised you know!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Her lips curved forming a really sweet smile. In an instance, the red-haired smiled as well. As if being infected by a virus, a happy virus in fact.

"So, where are you going?" Carsein asked.

"I'm gonna change my outfit. You're here, so let's start training." The girl said, then she looked back towards the knight in white uniform. "Sir June, please call sir Seymour."

"Right away, my lady."


"Fuuuhhh... it's so cold..."

Warm air from their breath diffusing to cold winter wind causes the cold air particles to condense, enabling their breath to be seen very clearly. The weather was freezing. Of course, since its snowing. The two trained outside at the training ground, fighting against the cold winter breeze.

"Carsein... Let's go inside now, we're gonna catch a cold if we stay any longer." The silver haired girl suggested.

"You head in first, I'm going to stay a little longer."

"But you'll catch a col—."

"Don't worry. You may not know this, but I'm quite immune to the cold."

"Alright, if you insist... then I'll be in the drawing room."

"Gotcha. Be there in a while."

Aristia left the training field with Seymour and June. Leaving the red-haired who insisted on staying.

Carsein grabbed his sword and started performing some of the swordsmanship skills he learned from the past timeline. After a while, he paused.

'As I thought... my mind remembers it, but my body doesn't...'

The red-haired sighed.

"Might as well start from the beginning again."

Approximately one year. For what you ask? The test for an official knighting-hood. He will be officially knighted in a year. But why did he decide to train from now, unlike the past, when he started training seriously after getting back from the Monique estate?

Carsein closed his clear-blue orbs, recalling an event.


"Sir Carsein, let me give you a word of advice." A blue-haired man started. "You are indeed a genius with the sword, but even a genius cannot get everything they want while thinking of other matters."

Carsein freezed, not answering.

"In your current state, you won't even be able to protect yourself."


He recalled the words of the enormous obstacle that he needs to overcome to win the girl's heart, the crown prince.

In the past, he lost. Despite being the son of a duke, Carsein has no power against the crown prince. He planned on confessing to her, many, many times.

When heading back to the Capital from the Monique estate, on his coming-of-age ceremony, Aristia's knighting ceremony, and after the big trial regarding the poisoning of the Emperor. He even received support from the girl's father, just one step away.

In the end, all of them were never realized. That one step, widened into a big gap. Aristia walked further away, into a place where he can no longer touch her.

Regrets filled him up. If only he can change the things that he did in the past, Carsein often wishes for it. And now, is the chance, to change the past, overcome his regrets, and win her heart.

The red-haired grinned.

"Just you wait, crown prince! I'm not gonna lose her to you again! I'm the male lead of this story!" He yelled his heart out, and then walked inside, to the mansion.



The sound of an opening door enters the ears of a silver-haired girl. A figure can be seen entering the room, it was Carsein.

"You're done with training?" The girl asked.

"Done for today. What are you doing?" The red-haired answered and sat on the couch, right next to her. His hand picking up a silver bookmark that filled the table. "You're making bookmarks?"

"Hmm. I'm making these for the knights of the 2nd squadron... and my dear friend who are out on the expedition."

' 'Dear friend', must be the weed.'

"He-eh, why though?"

"Well, when they went for the expedition, I only prepared a gift for my father. I thought that I should give them something when they return." The girl smiled as she crafted a bookmark.

"Hmm... so, are you gonna make one for me?"

"Make what?"

"A bookmark, you'll make one for me too, right?"

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