Chapter 11: Ruveliss' Coming of Age

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"M'lady, we need to get your measurements now." Rina called out to the silver-haired lady.

The girl had a reluctant look on her face, but could not help to refuse the call. She put her sword down and faced the two boys who were with her.

"I need to go now, let's stop for today." She uttered in a sad tone, turned her back against the two boys who were looking at her with a worried look and stepped away.

"Aristia." A voice called her name, halting her footsteps as she turned her head towards the voice who called her. A red-haired approached her, and patted her head. "Don't push yourself too hard."

Aristia's gloomy expression slowly brightened up. A smile is drawn on her face.

"Don't worry, I won't." After saying that, she turned back, about to continue walking to the building. However, she paused for a moment and whispered in a really small voice. "Thanks, Carsein."

The silver-haired walked away, into the Monique Manor. A chartreuse-haired and red-haired remained on the training field, neither moving, nor saying a word.

"Oi, carrot." Allendis shouted, calling the red-haired.


"Didn't I tell you to piss off? Stop clinging onto her, you bastard."

"Haha... No matter how I think about it you really are annoying. Why do you care? Stop ordering me around, it's my life! I get to choose what I'm gonna do, you psycho! Why, you're afraid that she'll like me more than she likes you?"

"Crazy bastard." Allendis clicked his tongue and walked away. Leaving the red-haired alone.

Carsein sighed, and exited the training grounds.


As soon as Carsein returned home, a-red haired young man with ruby orbs in a navy uniform caught his sight.

"It's been a long time, Sein." The man greeted.

Carsein froze, surprised by the return of his older brother, Kaysian.

"When did you arrive, brother?"

"About 2 hours ago? Yeah, it was about 2 hours ago. How are you doing?"

"Just... so-so. How about you? Aren't you tired? I mean, you just got back from an expedition..."

"Haha... I sure am tired, I'll rest in a while. How about we spar tomorrow? Let's see your progress while I'm away."

"Sure, you'd be surprised though. Well then, go rest now, shoo!"

"Alright, alright. You don't have to chase me away like that!" Kaysian laughed. "Well then, I'll be resting now!"

The ruby eyes disappeared like the wind, leaving the guy with clear blue orbs behind. Carsein returned to his room and lied on his bed.

His eyes slowly closing and in a few seconds, he fell into deep sleep. It was a tiring day.


A few days passed, the day when the lesser sun of the Empire, Prince Ruveliss' coming of age arrived. Cherry blossoms flutter along the the roads, filling the capital city of the Castina Empire.

People rejoiced, while the nobles were busy preparing for the coming-of-age ball in the evening.

'I wonder how she's doing right now... she must be super busy...'

"Thinking about Lady Aristia?" a voice snapped the red-haired back to reality, that question came out of Kaysian, his older brother.

"What?" Carsein questioned. "Why are you in my room?"

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