Chapter 4

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(alright new chapter here we go)

Izuku has been working on his training for about 10 months and he has seen major improvement. not only in his strength but also he is getting better at being a vigilante in general. he was on patrol one night when he saw some shady activity. he saw a girl in a school uniform chasing a boy around her age on the road. he decided to follow from a safe distance and suddenly she jumped onto the boy and grabbed a syringe. she stuck it in him and pulled out his blood. he decided now was a good time to intervene so he picked her up and set her aside. the boy got up and ran away. "UGH! who just did that?!" she yelled in playful annoyance. "that would be me." he said. "where are you why can't I see you?!" she continued "I'm right here. no here, or over here!" he said jumping from place to place toying with her like this was a cartoon. she threw her syringe at him and to his surprise it hit him. 'what the, how? did she predict where I was just from my voice?!' he panicked he turned off his quirk. "hehe, found you." she chuckled. she tackled him and took off his mask, seeing his face. she gasped "you're cute, I would love to see you bleed!" she said as she got closer to his face. his eyes widened and dart around her as he began to analyse her. he raised his hands and hit her in the neck. she fell off of him and then from her perspective, he disappeared. he hit her once more in the back of the head and knocked her out. he tied her up and decided that he had enough for one night.

he woke up and began to get dressed for the day. he went to the beach only to see a man there, with long black hair in a bun and a pair of goggles around his neck. "hello izuku" he said. "hey there eraser." he sighed as he got back to work. "I would like to make a deal with you." he said cold as ever. "okay shoot" Izuku said. "after hearing people's complaints, i have decided to give you the opportunity to not get arrested. Work with U.A., help train the students and we will wipe your record clean." It was a really tempting offer, "hmm...okay fine but on two conditions. One I can still be a vigilante, and two, I have access to the support gear workshop." He said

"fine whatever my only condition is that you train the students to fight without relying on their quirk, you can decide how to do that yourself, just don't send anyone to the nurses office." Eraserhead said tired. "Deal" izuku said holding out his hand. "You will have to live in the dorms however. We do not have any way to keep tabs on your antics otherwise." (Yes they have the dorms already, it's my fanfiction fight me) Eraser said 'thank you' izuku thought, "alright i dont have much stuff besides my costume and supplies so I can be set up in my room in maybe 2-3 hours." Izuku said.


Izuku was in his new room at the U.A. Dorms. He had his equipment out on his door and his suit was under his bed. He had gotten set up and was now ready for the next day. He walked downstairs to see a few students talking and murmuring amongst themselves in the main area and one student in particular caught his eye. '....kacchan' he thought as he sprinted to his room and  closed the door. He was hyperventilating, his mind was racing, he felt dizzy, he was trembling. He has had an anxiety attack before but it has been so long since he even thought about bakugo that all of his feelings came back all at once. After a solid ten minutes of this, he was able to calm down. He wiped the tears from his eyes and went to bed. It was...soft. It felt nice and new. It was relieving.

In the morning he woke up and got dressed. He put on his costume and mask. And went into the bathroom. He looked to the side of the sink and saw a razor blade. He turned around and left his room with his supplies. He walked down and sat in the teachers lounge with his mask off. He was only allowed to see the students during hero training at the end of the day. He took off his mask and sat in a seat with cup of water in his hands. Suddenly other teachers walked in and saw him. "Uh...hello?" Izuku said nervously. In his head he was freaking out 'OH MY GOD SO MANY COOL HEROES IN THE SAME ROOM AS ME!' He thought. Midnight ran up to him and screeched "ahhh! He's so cute! I didn't know the vigilante was a child!" She yelled "midnight! That is a child get off of him!" Yelled power loader. Midnight got off of izuku who was as red as a tomato.

"Well i suppose introductions are in order. Hello I am izuku midoriya, i am the vigilante named ghost. Although please do not call me that i hate that name, call me izuku or deku." Izuku said. After about 10 mintutes of introductions they were all aquatinted with each other. They all talked and laughed, by the end of the day they all got along surprisingly well. At this point it was time for izuku to work so he got up and went to class 1-A. He prepared himself to see bakugo and with the help of the teachers encouragements, he was confident enough to stand up to him.

He walked in the door and went next to eraserhead. "Everyone this is a vigilante you probably know him as ghost but he prefers to go by" he was cut off "Just call me I." Izuku said "i have been asked to train you guys in quirkless combat so to make sure that you can reach you highest potential I need to know your quirks." He said taking out a notebook and pencil. Everyone was confused at his nonchalantness about the whole situation and he looked their age. " this some kind of practical joke." A kid with yellow hair asked. "I assure you this is no joke, he is the real deal." He looked at izuku and nodded. Izuku disappeared from the front of the class and reappeared behind the class in a matter of moments. Everyone turned to see him leaning against the wall. He once again appeared in front of the class. "As you can see, I am the real deal." "His quirk gives him no physical advantage so he fights without the assistance of a quirk. Therefore he is perfect for this." Eraserhead said (heh that kind of rhymes i just noticed that as im writing this) meanwhile a few people were fanboying over him, he was a hero to many people for his mysteriousness and the fact that he never killed people. "Now tell me all of your quirks..." said izuku.

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