Chapter 15

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Izuku was sitting in his room reading in a notebook. He was reading info on different students and their progress in their training, "Bakugo: as frustrating as it is, he is possibly the strongest student in 1-A, he is both physically strong and has a good grip on his quirk. On top of that he is also one of the smartest students in the class. Though he is more than capable as a hero, he still needs to work with others more."

He looked over some more notes before landing on two more files. "Todoroki: While he is not very sociable, he is extremely smart and powerful. While Bakugo is the strongest for his understanding of his quirk, Todoroki's potential for power practically dwarfs Bakugo, his quirk is interesting for sure but he still refuses to use it to its fullest extent. To truly grow into a hero, he must first accept his power."

He moved on "Ashido: not much to speak of in terms of excelling in anything but has shown the most improvement in training. She is very fit and is the most athletic of the girls. She is very nimble and quick on her feet which can show great promise once cuppled with her quirk. Her quirk, while not exceptionally strong, can be very versatile when used properly. She should focus more on improving her agility and her control over her quirk." He kept reading the students files he made  suggestions on how they could inprove. He was getting ready for bed when he got a knock on the door. He opened it only to see Eraserhead standing there. "He kid...come with me." He said.

Izuku followed him into an office like room in the dorms. "Sit down I need to ask you a favor." He said as Izuku sat in a chair. "Okay what do you need?" He asked. "I need you to accompany me with the students to the USJ. It is a part of their training we has to postpone in order to accommodate your lessons." Eraserhead said as he drank a sip of coffee. "Sure thing eraser but why me? There are plenty of heroes here so why do I have to be the one to be with you?" Izuku asked. "Because as much as I hate to admit it, you are the most qualified person in hand-to-hand combat besides me and we suspect that someone has been taking files from U.A." Eraser explained "And you want me to help you protect the students." Izuku said, understanding the plan. "Correct. So will you help me?" Eraser asked. "Sure got nothing better to do." Izuku said. "Also the heroes Thirteen and All Might will be joining us. Izuku then went to his room to have enough energy for tomorrow. "God I haven't seen all might since that day." Izuku thought as he went to bed.

When he woke up he got ready in his suit, mask, a few weapons, and his notebook and pen. He walked downstairs and saw a bus. He stood in front of the bus and waited for the students to arrive. About an hour later everyone started coming out towards the bus. Everyone greeted Izuku, and sat on the bus. They took off towards the USJ and talked amongst each other. Finally they arrived and standing at the entrance was the hero Thirteen. Izuku and Eraserhead joined Thirteen. "All Might couldn't make it. he ran out of time this morning." Thirteen said, to which Eraserhead sighed. "of course that big idiot couldn't make it." Eraserhead replied.

the students walked up to the entrance and a mysterious purple mist began to appear at the center of the facility. villains began to walk through the mist as if it were a portal. "thirteen protect the students! Ghost follow me!" Eraserhead yelled "Don't call me that!" izuku replied as he and Eraserhead jumped down into the crowd and began fighting them. He began fighting while hidden to keep himself hidden.

they kept fighting for a while until they saw a large birdman walk through the portal, Izuku got knocked back by someone with an infra-red quirk, the mist took the form of a man in a suit, he warped to the students, dangerously injured thirteen, and teleported all of the students around the facility. It all happened so fast that Izuku couldn't tell what was going on. "get up kid!" Eraser yelled as izuku jumped up and assessed the situation. "okay we have a load of villains, a warp quirk user, a giant birdman, and little to no chance of winning. Fuck it, might as well die swinging."

izuku jumped back into the fray as he grabbed a metal bat. He ran around hitting villains with it and was knocking them out one after the other. He hit the bird man but it didn't even seem to notice it. His arms felt a lot of pain as if he had just hit a wall of steel instead of a man. "Shit! How tough is this thing?!" Izuku yelled as he dropped the bat and fell to the ground. He felt a hand on his back and an extreme pain shooting through his entire body. He felt like he was going to pass out until he heard a voice. "Hello vigilante...or I guess now I should call you a hero. You once had my respect, you fought criminals who were unseen by heroes. Now you are working with them?! You are so much better than that! What were you thinking?!" A raspy voice said.

Eraserhead used his quirk to help izuku who got up and grunted in pain. Unknown to Izuku, a large part of his back was now reduced to muscle and covered in blood. "Nomu make him unable to fight, I would like to talk to him." The raspy voiced man said. Izuku suddenly felt a large punch on his back as the bird man hit his back wound with the force of a semi truck. He got knocked into the wall and fell unconscious from the pain.

When he woke up he heard the sound of people talking frantically. "The heroes showed up and ruined our plan what do I do master?!" One voice said. "Keep calm shigaraki. You still have leverage over them. You have their asset, they will come to stop you and that is when you make your move. Hold him hostage and try to make a deal with the heroes, they will have to listen to your demands." Another voice said. Izuku groaned. "No way in hell you hold me for ransom." Izuku said "ah you are awake." The raspy voice said. Izuku got a full view of him. He had platinum blue hair, wore a black shirt and pants, and he wore a hand on his face. "Kurogiri, release him." It was at this point that izuku realized he was restrained on a wall. "Of course."

The man covered in mist pressed a button and he was released and landed on the ground. "That was a mista-" Izuku said as he tried to run towards Shigaraki. He felt insane amounts of pain in his back and fell to the ground. He coughed up blood. "Nice try hero, but I've made sure that you can't fight." The man said as he grabbed a ball with 4 fingers. "You see, my quirk makes anything I touch with all 5 of my fingers disintegrate." He touched his 5th finger on the ball and it turned to dust. "That is exactly what I have done to your back." He said in a smug voice. "I'll kill you..." izuku said as he struggled to get up. As he stood up the man slammed his foot onto his back. "DAMNIT..." he slammed his fist into the ground in pain.

"You are not going anywhere...unless, you join us." Shigaraki said "What...?" Izuku said weakly. "Join us...with your powers and skills, you would be perfect for our team. I know you, I know that look in your eyes whenever you fight. I had it too, the desire to make a change. You know as much as I do that as long as there are heroes, everything will be the same. Heroes don't care what people are in danger as long as they look good for the camera and smile." Shigaraki said as he took his foot off of izuku's back.

Izuku got up "You may be right. I know heroes don't really care about people. And you and I are not so different." He took off his mask. "Your offer is very generous and I am a bit interested...however, I am already taken." He pulls the pin in his mask and activates the strobe lights.

He proceeded to walk around the room to look for an exit. He found a window and opened it to see where he was. He climbed out the window and walked down the street, receiving more than a few gasps from on lookers who saw his wound. He got about halfway down the street when he passed out.

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