Chapter 1

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Izuku was sitting in class packing up his supplies off of his graffiti ridden desk saying words like "weak" or "kill yourself" even drawings of black roses.

For years he was bullied on account of his quirk and today was the straw that broke the camels back. He walked up onto the roof and was about to jump until he was grabbed by...ALL MIGHT? "Hey kid, what are you doing?" The tower of a man asked looking concerned.

Izuku was surprised to say the least "to get rid of the shitty hand life dealt me" he responded "okay then what was this 'shitty hand' as you say it." The man asked "my quirk, the bullying, and the fact that my former best friend told me to 'take a swan dive off of the roof." That was a lot for him to unpack but he took it in one step at a time "well whats your quirk?" He asked "invisibility" izuku replied

This confused him for sure the kid clearly wasn't invisible but maybe it was a transformation quirk "so you can turn invisible?" He asked "n-no, it makes people ignore me. To elaborate do you commit to memory the face of every stranger that you pass on the street? My quirk is like that." Izuku explained 'This kids quirk is confusing and im just getting a headache from looking at him. Well i should probably talk to him about it' He thought "well young man that seems like a very useful quirk for a hero!" He yelled gaining a smile from the boy "really?!" Izuku yelled running in giving a hug to him "I want to put a smile on everyones faces and become the number 1 hero!"

That statement made all might shutter at his reality "look kid i will be honest with you, your quirk is very useful and a valuable asset to anyone, but because of its nature i don't know if you can be the number 1 hero with it." All might said trying to soften the blow. Izuku's grip tightened and suddenly he was gone. 'Where did the kid go he must have used his quirk' all might thought with izuku still standing there in front of him. The boy walked off now ready to make a big decision.

(Time skip)
It was now two months after after all might had crushed his dreams. He had decided to become a vigilante and tonight was his first patrol. He snuck out and was armed with a kitchen knife, first aid kit, and some other supplies.

He was walking down the street when he saw a boy his age cornered by a seemingly drunk woman. She was yelling at him and looked like she was about to attack him. He walked up to her and pushed her away. They were confused until she was knocked out.

Izuku grabbed the boy's shoulder, calmed him down, and began asking questions "was she related to you?" Receiving a nod he asked again "was she your mother?" Another nod "was she abusive, i understand if you don't want to talk about it." Another solemn nod "okay follow me i will take you somewhere safe."

The boy didn't move, quickly izuku understood "i get it you just met me so you don't really trust me yet good on you being careful is important in the world we live in but i promise i am no threat to you." Seeing the boy is still unsure he takes off his mask "see" he smiled at the boy. The boy finally agreed to follow him as he went to a police station and wrote a note on the boys shirt, it read 'find this boy a home please.' Before he left the boy asked him a question "who are you?" Only to see no one there.

641 words

(Heyo hope you liked the chapter i will explain his quirk in depth next chapter and i will be posting it today)

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