Chapter 13

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Izuku had a bittersweet feeling in his mouth. On one hand he was happy he was able to finally stand up to bakugo after years of abuse at his hand but on the other hand, he felt alone. He felt like he needed to let off some steam so he suited up and left.

He was patrolling the streets and saw a group of thugs  picking on a couple of kids. 'Just what I needed' izuku thought. They were mainly picking on the kids for their money but they also looked like they were entertaining themselves. They were just laughing their asses off and having a good time. Too bad it was about to be ruined. He leapt down in front of the thugs and hit them all as hard as he could, knocking them out. It was quick but it was also in slow motion for the kids. They saw a man fly in to save them. He beat all of the thugs and came to their rescue almost to fast to notice. Izuku felt better but he wanted a real challenge.

He went back to U.A. and began training by shadow boxing. To an outsider he looked like he was fighting the air but he was really fighting someone in his head, he visualized an opponent in front of him and began fighting them. It is a basic form of training in many fighting styles, namely boxing. The opponent he created was a professional boxer from the time before quirks, Mike Tyson. (I recently watched baki hanma, can you tell)

He was fighting the former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and he was in a deadlock. He threw a quick jab to the stomach and a strong uppercut to the chin and finally, a powerful body blow to the ground. He had won and was satisfied for the time being. He decided it was better to go to bed and hope that he feels better in the morning...he didn't.

He woke up in the morning and was feeling the same way as the previous night, he walked downstairs and was happy that today was his day off. He yawned and stretched. He put on a pink hoodie and walked outside. He took a deep breath and began to jog.

He kept jogging for a while, he left at about 7:00 and was still jogging at 8:30. His body was drenched in sweat but he kept going.

he finally got back at about 9:30 and people who saw him looked on in aw as sweat was collecting in a massive pool at his feet. He was exhausted but he was awake and ready to keep training. He sat down at a table and ate some food and drank water. He was feeling less exhausted and went into the gym and began to work out. He did 30 pull ups, a bunch of weight lifting, and more running on the treadmill to finish it off. Once he had finished it was already the afternoon so he was looking for something to relax. He got a shower and cleaned himself off first before going to the common area to hang out. 

he suddenly got a notification on his phone. it was from a local hardware store that he frequents to get  his gear, he is friends with the owner so he usually asks her for materials.

flashback time :)

Izuku was still in middle school when he decided to become a vigilante. He had began making sketches for a mask which would be no problem to make for him but he needed a lot of materials to make it. he went to a hardware store and bought some copper, carbon fiber, insulating gel and other materials. he was walking out the store when he was jumped by some bullies from school, they beat him up and broke most of the things he bought and in a stroke of miraculous luck, a woman came out of the store and helped him. after he got up, he learned that she was the store and for his troubles, she replaced the items the bullies broke for free. "I can't take this!" he said flustered. "nonsense, it would disgraceful of me to make you pay again." she said pushing him out the door. "I am shuri. friends call me shu. nice to meet you. also if you need help shaping that carbon fiber I can help you out!" she said waving him goodbye, "My name is Izuku midoriya." he said. He got back home and opened his sketchbook. 

after about 3 days, it was done. it was a thick layered mask, about 4 cm thick. he had made it to be the perfect stealth mask, it muffled his voice, defended him from weapons, allowed him to hide his identity, could withstand any weather, and more. the mask was divided into 6 layers, first was an outer shell made of carbon fiber to make it durable. then a layer of cotton to muffle his voice but not break due to impact. 3rd was a layer of insulating gel to work in any weather. 4th was a layer of air to make the mask more malleable as well as to hide electronics. finally a final layer of carbon fiber. 

his mask was also equipped with a failsafe in case it were to be removed while he was incapacitated. he included a metal pin and a copper ring connected to electronics in the layer of air. the pin fits snuggly in the hole of the ring so it will not fall off randomly. while the pin and ring are touching, they conduct electricity and complete a circuit with the electronics. while this is happening, nothing happens. but if he ever needs to leave an area without people seeing his face, all he must do is pull the pin. by pulling the pin, the circuit breaks and the failsafe is activated. removing the pin allows a strobe light located in the mask's right eye to activate, disorienting anyone in the vicinity. the burst lasts for 10 seconds and the circuit will reset. once the pin is applied again, the failsafe will reset as well.

flashback over

(hello guys, thank you for reading and supporting me as a writer and please comment suggestions or critiques because I really want to improve and I really like interacting with you all. This whole fanfic writing thing started off as a joke between me and my friend. I read my first fanfic out of curiosity during exam week at home and I thought it was really cool. then I decided to make a story of my own as a joke and nothing more. told my friend about it and we laughed. I began writing what what I thought a good fanfic was like and I was honestly astonished at how many people read it. I think in only a couple months of me writing I had reached 1000 reads and I was really happy to see that people saw what I was writing. I will never forget the first comment I read because it was someone who was genuinely happy to read my story. to this day reading your guys' comments is my favorite thing to do. so please do not be afraid to comment what you think. cya later)

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