Chapter 17

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It was about 9:00 Izuku went to work, as in he went on patrol. He walked down the street nonchalantly and looked around the street. So far it was empty until he saw a broken window. 'This window wasn't broken yesterday, given the crime rate in this area, and the fact that there is no glass outside, the only conclusion one could come to is that a robbery has either occured earlier tonight or currently taking place.  Given the time, and the fact that criminals work under the cover of darkness, it is higly likely that the latter is true. Therefore, a crime is currently taking place. So, I should look for more clu- holy shit I sound like a detective.' Izuku thought. He looked around and saw a truck full of equipment in an alley nearby.

He stepped inside and grabbed a few marbles. Sure enough he saw a group of robbers who seemed like they knew what they were doing. "Grab as much as you can, dump it in the truck and come back, before the night ends we will be rich." One man said. 'They are planning to make a night of robbing places.' Izuku thought. Izuku threw a marble at a wall distracting everyone. He grabbed a bat and looked at it for a second and let it go. He ran towards them and hit two, knocking them out.  he quickly hit another, and finally two more. He got ready for them to get up again but they were all knocked out. "D-did I do that? Holy shit I knew I have been training but I didn't think it would pay off this much." Izuku said as he tied them up and left a note.

Izuku went back and got pulled into an alleyway by a thug. "Give me your money kid!" He yelled Izuku looked at him straight faced, "why do you thugs always choose to work in alleys? Pretty cliché if you ask me." Izuku said as he looked closely at the man. 'Shaking hands, scratching his arm, eye bags indicating lack of sleep, and teeth falling out prematurely, all signs of an addict. History of drugs would cause a slow reaction time. The average human reaction is around 0.15-0.3 seconds. That gives me enough time to- oh what am I thinking just hit him!' He thought as he quickly disarmed the man and hit him in the face. "He should be knocked out." He said as he kept walking after writing a second note.

Finally he arrived at a local corner store that was being robbed. He stood in front of the door. 'Motion detector, my quirk doesn't work on machines so it will spot me if I walk in. However, being my only entrance into the store my best bet is to scare the robbers before I attack them. By the looks of things, I have about 5 minutes before the register is cleared out. Best course of action is to- STOP DOING THAT!' He thought having an internal argument with his brain. He climbed up to the roof and found the fuse box. He grabbed a knife and broke it. 'That should keep them distracted for a bit. However they will be more anxious to leave so I must work quickly.' Finally, he climbed back down and took three marbles and threw them straight through every window in the store. This shook up the robbers who were ready to leave. Izuku then walked in and subsequently beat up every last robber in the store and leaving another note for the police.

He went on top of a secluded roof and took off his mask. "Whats going on? I've been training my muscles and deductive skills, but why is it paying off so much?" He said as he looked at the sky. He had been training harder than he had thought and he always fought powerful quirk users in the ring so his body was more attuned to fighting than before.


Aizawa was holding out for a miracle. he had no clue if Izuku had listened to his advice but he could only hope. He got a call from the detective saying that they had 3 crime scenes all of which show signs that Izuku was involved. He immediately felt anxious and excited at the same time. He swiftly got up, got dressed, and left.

Aizawa went out to the first crime scene. "What do we have?" He asked, "five unconscious men who most likely were going to rob this place." One officer replied "sir we found this at all three scenes. Does this mean anything to you?" He asked as he held up three notes each one with the phrase. 'I'm back' written on them. Aizawa almost wanted to jump for joy, this meant that Izuku was finally coming to his senses and working again.

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