Chapter 1

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The church began to rumble. Sarvante fell onto the ground in immense pain and no energy at all. She couldn't move even if she was pushed. Boyfriend and Girlfriend panicked then ran out the church. Ruv, not knowing what to do, ran up to Sarv and started to push her, but she couldn't budge. Her wings were covering the entirety of her back.

"R-ruv... Just go please..." She begged. Ruv ignored her and continued to try to pick her up. She was heavier than the church itself. It was no use. "Ruv! Just run please! I'll try to catch up with you! Just wait outside for me!" She ordered. Ruv froze in place then heard the ceiling finally starting to collapse.

He quickly backed away, dodging one of the pillars that were falling towards him. Unfortunately, it crashed into Sarv. It killed her instantly. Her hand was stuck out from under the pillar and a large puddle of blood was formed underneath. Some Sarv's blood landed on Ruv's gray jacket.

The sound of the ceiling starting to collapse snapped him out of his blank faced trance. He finally began to run out of the church, making it right as the last pillar collapsed. He looked back at the church, seeing it finally fall into a pile of marble, wood, and other types of rubble. He continued to stare until sighing quietly. There goes the roof over his head.

He slowly turned away from the rubble and started to walk away. He had a more slouched posture than normal, so he was looking down at the ground as he walked. Gf and Bf were watching him walk away from his home without speaking a word or even shedding a tear.

Gf grabbed Ruv's arm and looked up at him. "S-sir, I understand if you aren't in a good mood, but if it'll make you feel better, you can come with me and my boyfriend to get drin-"

Ruv growled then kicked Gf away from him hard. She landed on her back and had a fear stricken face. "I'm not in the mood." Ruv said quietly then resumed walking away. He left a big shoe print onto her dress. Bf wanted to stand up to Ruv, but knew his ass was going to get kicked because Ruv's foot was almost the size of his torso.


Ruv found the alleyway he lived in before he was "adopted" by Sarv. His corner was still there, just extremely run down and had no supplies. His "bed" (which was just an extra large bean bag chair) had several stitches on it and wasn't even filled up all the way anymore. He sat down on it and looked up at the sky. It was still daytime, but he really wanted some sleep. He put his eye patch on his face like it was a blindfold and slowly fell asleep.


He woke up in a black void. He looked around his surroundings and tried to wonder around the seemingly infinite space, but he eventually hit an invisible wall. He tried to turn around, but shortly after he hit another wall. He sat back down and looked below him. The ground was made of glass, so he could see his reflection. He was covered in blood and his eye patch was off, revealing an eye that was scarred shut.

He gently tapped onto the glass floor, but accidentally shattered it a little. He muttered an f bomb then tried to get up, but he hit his head on an invisible ceiling. The walls were closing in around him and it was starting to squish him. His breath was starting to run short as he felt his feet getting crushed.

His heart began to pace and the brain started it's fight or flight response. He remembered the glass below him shattering a little, so he stomped at it once, causing the floor to give in below and for him to begin falling. He bit his lip as he was scratched by glass that fell with him until his body weight made him fall faster.

He forced himself to turn around and saw the shattered glass begin to form into a shape. It formed into the shape of Sarvante in her demon form with her hands tied together. He felt a strange sensation around his hands shortly after. He looked down to see that his hands were tied like her's too. He tried to break free, but alas his struggle was futile.

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