Yagura catch up

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When you first meet
Well you where walking in the mist village try to find out how the hell you got there in the first place. "Hey! I never seen you around I'm going have to take you to see the mizukage".
You explained you situation with the mizukage he looked around your age he told you to stay here until he can see if your lying or not.

You two meet again
You where looking around trying to find your shoe you lost it. "Why is one of your shoes missing" you turn your head to see mizukage "I lost it I really don't remember where or when I lost it" you shrugged.

You hang out
You lost wallet and ninja weapon pouch. "Hey y/n I see you lost something again" "yeah I lost my wallet and my ninja weapon pouch" you said Turing to Yagura he nods and wave his hand telling to follow him so you do. You guys walked to a place where you can see the water the was sparkling in the sun.

When he finds out he likes you
He can't seem to get you off his mind. The way you constantly lose your stuff or forget what you where doing a second later. The way you smile with a red face him knowing you lost something again.

He ask you out
He finally had the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, you said yes of course he gave you flowers but you lost them a second later.

He jelly
He is very jealous he doesn't want people around his forgetful flower. You don't mind you thinks it cute when his Chubby cheeks puff out when pouting.

How you kiss
It's soft and gentle when your alone, in front of people it's rough he wants everyone to know you belong to the mizukage.

How you hug
It's always soft and filled with love he like to rest his head on your chest listing to your heart beat afraid to lose you.

How you sleep
He curls up in a ball and puts his head on your chest he loves your chest you don't mind and fall asleep.

You clothes

Your clanThe Namikaze You can turn clay or any martial into explosives boom boom woman

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Your clan
The Namikaze You can turn clay or any martial into explosives boom boom woman.

No well not until the future

You two fight
It was about him killing, you know there's no peace but you wanted him to stop. He got angry yelling at you "I DONT NEED YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO YOU FORGETFUL WOMAN".

Him without you
He's angry and he hates himself for yelling at you try's to think of a way to make it up to you.

You without him
You fine not really sad Bc welp you forgot you guys got into a fight.

You two make up
He gave you a  weapon pouch and kisses your forehead saying sorry you smiled "hey Yagura I lost the weapon pouch".

New look

Who has a crush on you Boys just weirdo boys

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Who has a crush on you
Boys just weirdo boys.

Who has a crush on him
A lot of people and you go boom boom yelling and everything he loves it.

He hits you
He was swinging whatever the stick thingy he carry's and it smacked you right in the face. He stopped in his tracks he almost got his apology in before you yelled "IM GOING TO BLAST YOU TO THE LEAF VILLAGE".

He cheats
He did once it was a stressful night and you walked on him kissing another girl and walked right back out. Sending a clay butterfly on the house that went BOOM💥.

He finds out you know he cheated
Well the house is burnt and has a huge hole in it he figured it pretty quickly.

Him without you
He started to cry he hasn't cried in a long time. He hasn't shower so his ass stinks.

You forgive his sorry ass even though he doesn't deserve it
You walked in his place only to see him with puffy eyes and dark bags underneath them "look you cheat on me again and I won't hesitate to blast you to the moon".

You do something stupid
In his opinion you always do something stupid.
You ran full speed into a screen door only to fall.

You get hurt
He kills them he absolutely just kills them you don't really care. He would make sure your ok in the end.

You become sad
You release  your demon and it's like hella scary for him so he buys you everything and tells how much he need you.

You almost die
Kisame hits you with his sword and you where in bad shape Yagura grabbed you and took off running and started to heal you.

They meet your ex
Ban-seven deadly sins
He got mad that ban chose Elaine over you but was glad Bc now he has you.

Who he cheats on you with
Random bitch you have no idea who she is nether dose he.

When someone touches you you
He gets all angry and is about to explode all over the place he grabs you and leaves hickeys through out your chest and neck.

When you move
He help you but he was staring at you trying to figure how you lost the box you just had a second ago.

When he has a nightmare
His dream
Where is she I looked all over the place, I turn around to see her soaked in blood "you killed me, I TOLD YOU UR BLOOD THRIST WAS GOING TO BE YOUR DOWN FALL". I snap awake to see y/n holding me in her chest I smile knowing she's ok.

Your guys first time
He was nervous but really excited. He was rough. He stares at your chest a lot, he love to tell you how lovely you look.

You guys have a lazy day
He lays on you while you play with his hair. You two talk about random things all the time.

His kinks
When you dom him he loves it but he never tell you that but you know he loves it.

You guys get caught in the act
He was in a mood so he pushed you against the wall and well fucked you. The person who gives him reports walks in and walks straight out acting like nothing happened.

He dose something stupid
He hit him self in the balls with that stick thingy he carrys around with the flower on it "HA SUCKS TO BE YOU".

Sorry for the misspelling I was in a rush Bc I'm sleepy. And I have no idea what that sticks he carry's is called.

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