💚☁️Shikamaru as a boyfriend☁️💚

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💚sleeps all the damn time you once found him asleep on the rooftop trying to hide from Naruto.

💚brushes your hair, he likes how soft it is.

💚gives you flowes every other day

💚once got stuck trying to get you unstuck from the dresser

💚hates conflict

💚He loves you more than sleep and doesn't take that lightly

💚Make sure you eat and sleep

💚Once followed you around the whole day trying to get you to eat

💚Cuddles all the time

💚Let's you do his hair

💚Make sure you're comfortable with everything and that you're not uncomfortable

💚Wants you to be happy and will do anything to remove all unhappiness from your life

💚Watch clouds together

💚Has you hid him from ino or Naruto when he's lazy

💚When you guys come, parents take shikadai and hides so they can nap

💚Spends a lot of time showing shikadai what kind of plants there are and what they can be used for

💚You have to yell at them to get  you eventually give up and nap with them

💚You do their hair every morning

💚You pack their lunches, and shikamaru cooks dinner so you can have a break

💚Shikadai and shikamaru will clean the house while you are napping away, so you will have one less thing on your plate

💚They have to fight for guys who are trying to get to know you

💚Watch them practice shadow jutsu all the time

💚Put flowes in their hair while they are sleeping under the clouds

💚Shikamaru goes out of his way to protect his family

💚Soon, another nara came around

💚She got more of your looks

💚She doesn't sleep much, unlike her brother and father

💚She lovesssss shikadai, and shikamaru gets jealous because he wants the tiny version of you to love him more

💚The boys fight over who she gets to nap with she always ends up napping with you

💚She hates conflict much like her father

💚When she was old enough to be training, she got tired and layed down and went to sleep while shikamaru stood there dumbfounded that she did that

💚Shikadai loves his baby sister and makes sure to spend hours with her sometimes the whole day

💚All of them hide from Naruto,boruto

💚Family cloud watching

💚She took an interest in flowers and loves to put them everywhere

💚Shikamaru will make sure that you get more sleep than him once the kids are born since you worked hard

💚Tells you every day that you change his life for the better

💚When giving birth to shikadai, shikamaru told you that you were doing so well and that you could do it

💚All of them love you and always admire you when you're doing something

💚Shikamaru always gives you compliments

💚Eventually, shikadai started to do it to

💚You will eventually crash if you are having a bad day

💚Shikamaru and shikadai will do all the stuff you did while you nap your much needed nap

💚If your sick shikamaru doesn't care,  will love you and take care of you anyway.


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