he wears something of yours

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Naruto🍥 Jacket
Y/n pov
I can't find my jacket anywhere. im going out with the girls later, and i wanted to wear my leather jacket, but i can't find it. I walk towards mine and naruto bedroom and open the door only to see naruto in my leather jacket thats quite tight on him "damn it the zipper broke" he grumble i frown "what are you doing Naruto Uzumaki" i ask "AHHHHHHHHH" he lets a loud scream.

Sasuke❤️ Bra
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I was doing my laundry, and i know for a fact i had a bra in there, but it missing, did i miss place it? i dont think i did, tho.  I keep looking around in the laundry room only to hear fuck a few seconds later. I get up and walk towards the bathroom i open to see my grown husband stuck in my bra he stops and looks at me "i wanted to know what it felt like" he paused "its very itchy and uncomfortable" he continued i smile i walk up and buckle the bra "first of all its inside out and second of all its not your size dear" i say.

Shikamaru☁️ Heels
Y/n pov
Damn it where are my shoes me and the girls are going out and i wanted to where my heels but i cant find them "where are the-" BANG i stop talking and turn slowly towards mine and my husband bedroom i rush to the door and swing it open only to see shikamaru face flat on the floor butt in the air with my heels i rush over "why" i asked he looks up "i wanted to know, i think i broke my ankle" he huffed out i laugh "well you broke my heels so" i say smiling down at my husband.

Gaara🐼 bracelets
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I wanted to ask gaara something i walked in our bedroom only to hear dingle sound "And she totally ruin everything" i hear gaara voice but it sounded sassy and when he moved the dingle sound came from him "um gaara what are you doing" i ask "Nothing" he shouts real fast.

Y/n pov
I wonder through the house and happened to stumble across my husband in my skirt "it feels super airy down there feels nice" he mumbled as soon as he bent down a loud rip came from the skirt his ass ripped my skirt.

Neji🤍 earrings
Y/n pov
I was getting ready for our date night i open my jewelry box looking for my sliver earrings but only to find the gold. "Hm weird" i walk out of the bathroom into our bedroom to see neji wearing my sliver earrings flipping his head around "i look so sexy" he whispers to the mirror i walk out back into the bed room. You know what ill just wear the gold pair.

Itachi🍡 rings
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I watch my handsome husband from our bed room door as he flipped his hand around wearing all the rings i had on his hand "Kiss my hand peasants" he says to no one i walked into the room only for him to look at me "you saw nothing" he says i smirk "get me ice cream and ill forget all about it" i say he looks at me "deal".

Sai🎨 shirt
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Sai walks into our kitchen i glance up and look down back to my book reading more listening to move things  in the kitchen. "Im going out with naruto and the others" he says i look up about to say something only to stare at him for a minute "are you wearing my shirt as a crop top" i ask he looks down and then strikes a pose "do i look good".

Tobirama🌊 necklace
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Tobirama saw your necklace laying on the counter the necklace was a small kuni charm. He puts it on and then forgets about it. Soon its nightfall and everyone is getting ready for bed y/n sound asleep next to him and Tobirama fast asleep until the necklace chokes him. He sits up grasping for air y/n sits up real fast looking at him "what happened" she ask with a worried look hard to take seriously with her bed head he looks at her "your necklace choked me while i was sleeping" he shouts  she looks at him for good minute then lays back down "Well arent you going to burn the damn thing".

Obito🍭 leggings
Y/n pov
I woke up from a fat cat nap i sit up and stretched. I make my way out of bed and head to the kitchen to see my husband making food "Good morning beautiful" he says i smile he soon turns around i freeze "youre wearing my leggings i see" i say he looks down smiles "obito you can see everything" i say he smiles again "it cradles my balls quite nicely if i do say so myself".

Shisui🗡 fish nets
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It was a hot summer day at the hidden leaf y/n was muching on some cold treats while her husband comes running in wearing a his bathing suit with y/n fish nets underneath "How my legs look babe" the male shouts y/n stares at her husband for a minute "why just why" she groans he soon runs off with his laughter in the air.

Madara🖤 shorts
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I was in the living room reading a book i just got only to hear my husbands footsets running into the living room "LOOK AT MY ASS Y/N" he shouts i look up only to see my husband ass squeezed into my shorts he soon puts his ass in my face "IT LOOK AMAZING" he continued to shouts while wavying his ass in my face "weirdo".

Sasori🪵more skin care product then clothes.
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Its was nightfall and i was heading back to bed i walked in to see my short husband covered in lotions he looks like a greasy piece of wood "why" i ask he stares dead ass in my eyes "i wanted to be smooth" he says "YOUR MADE OUT OF WOOD SASORI".

Deidara💥 claw clip
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I sat on our bed reading a magazine while my husband sat in front of my vanity trying on all my claw clips i had "this makes me look hot un" he says i look up i raise a eyebrow "you look more like a woman barbie" i say he looks at me in horror "WHAT YOU CALL ME UN" he shouts i look at him "thats your only problem with that sentence".

Hashirama🤎 dress
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My husband stood in front of me in my dress squeezing his toned body his junk outline very visible to the eye "I LOOK FUCKING HOT" he shouts he soon does a twirl "I MUST SHOW MADARA" he shouts taking off out the door "are you sure your not married to madara".

Minato⚡️night gown
Y/n pov
He walks in wearing my slik night gown thats has a flower design on it. He crawls in bed and sees me staring at him " what" he says in the most clueless voice of all time i blink "you like my night grown" i ask he looks at me and smiles "oh very much so it feel wonderful".

Jiraiya🖋 underwear
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"TAKE THEM OFF" I scream at my perv of a husband his ass is stretching my underwear and its also hanging out he laughs loudly "its riding up my ass" he laughs he soons picks the wedgie he had and smiles at me like he did nothing wrong "TAKE THEM OFF YOU PERV".

Yagura🌺 bows
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Yagura soon had his entire head covered in bows. His lovely wife wears them all the time so he asked if she could put them in his hair "well how i look, i still look dashing" he asks his wife behind him whos holding back a laugh "no love you cute like a little kid" she laughs he pouts "IM NOT A LITTLE KID IM A GROWN MANNNN"

Shino🪲 fancy glasses
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Shino lost his glasses he was in a quite interesting situation i found his wife sun glasses but they was the most femine woman glasses he ever had to lay eyes on he was supposed to go out with his friends but with those no way. Not a second later they rested on his face he turns around and stops to see his wife her face scrunches up and she soon busted out laughing "stop laughing i lost my sunglasses"

Orochimaru🐍 sweater
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The lab got very cold in the winter and orochimaru has gotten used to his wife body heat so now he gets very cold very easily well he found her sweater a very bright sweater and put it on he was in the lab still doing his experiments when his son and wife walks in she smiles at him when she saw him wearing her sweater "So whos my mom now" their son asked.

Izuna⚔️ headband
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Izuna was training very hard but his hair kept getting in his face and he was getting pissed real fast. He soon marched into his home scaring his sleeping wife in the process and grabbed her pink head band from long ago that had a nice pink flower on it he puts it on and marched back out his wife watching him do so "what crawled up his ass"

Suigetsu🦈 fluffy socks
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Suigetsu was running around the house looking for a pair of warm socks his feet was cold it was winter and he took a shower and now hes freezing he saw his wife passed out on their bed sprawled out like person who fell out of a building he noticed ger fluffy socks and slowly made his way over and took them off and slid them on they was nice and warm "did you just take my socks"

Y/n pov
Pain wanted to know how it felt like to put on a corset so i put it on him and slowly tighten every few minutes after i was done he looks at me and smiles "why the fuck are you more skinner than i am in one".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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