Sasori catch up

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When you first meet.
You where in the sand village simply looking around and bumped into someone. It's was sasori he looked at you like he could care less and moved on with his day.

You two meet again.
He became apart of the akatsuki and you where there making food for everyone.

You two hang out
I thought his puppets where cool so he decided to teach you how to make one after you got a splinter you didn't like puppets anymore.

When he realized his feelings for you
When you always told him that his puppets where cool he thought he no more feelings but he was very wrong about that.

He asks you out
He told you straight up out of now where of course you said yes but you where a bit taken back a the bluntness.

He jelly
He gets jealous of Tobi Bc you treat him like a person and not some annoying candy freak that can never die.

How you would hug

How you would kiss

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How you would kiss

How you would sleep together

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How you would sleep together

How you would sleep together

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Your clothes

Your clan Amegakure clan You have the ability to make paper hard as rocks and sharp has knifes

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Your clan
Amegakure clan
You have the ability to make paper hard as rocks and sharp has knifes.

Your siblings
Konan she's only three years older than you but she loves you with every fiber with her being.

You two fight
He acted like he didn't care and you grew tried that night so you snapped at him you threw paper that was hard like a rock(Kirishima) at him and left.

Him without you
He had no idea what to do he hadn't felt emotion for the longest time and now he feels a wave was sadness hit him and well your rock too but besides the point he didn't come out of his room until he figured out what he was feeling and how to make it up to you.

Made up
He made a puppet that said he was sorry and explained how he was a puppet and he hadn't feel in a long time.

New look after the fight

Who has a crush on you Tobi

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Who has a crush on you

Who has a crush on him
Random bitch r/b

When he hits you
He wasn't paying attention and he swingers his arm and it smacked you right in the face.

He cheats on you
You wish you could burn everything that's was wood. He cheated on you with some random bitch. You went to konan crying and told her everything.

He finds out that you know he cheated
Konan busted into his room with a vey angry look on her face she grabbed one of a extra arms that's was laying around in his room so he beat him with it.

Him without you
He looked more dead. His hair would be a dark shade of red and his body would have deep cracks in it.

You forgive his sorry ass
You noticed how he looked so you walked in his room while he was some how in a deep sleep and washed his hair and slowly started to work on his body he woke and stared at you with a shock look and had a few tears going down his wooden face.

You do something stupid
You thought his puppets where cool and decided to go in one. You got stuck in it.

You get hurt
You where trying to rush getting food done and you burned your self he grabs your arms and rubs some stuff in a random tube of his.

You became sad
Konan was with pain all the time you felt hurt deep down but you knew you shouldn't say anything.

You almost die
You had a drink by one of sasori poisons and drink that instead it scared him he never felt so scared in his life.

They meet your ex
Jason the toy maker creepypasta
He was kinda shock when seeing Jason the dude was 6'3 and had some things wrong in his head in your defense he was hot.

Who he cheats on you with
Random bitch

When someone touches you
He becomes very pissed he turns them into a puppet and gives you a few kisses on your face.

Your guys first time
You didn't think he could have sex but he very much can. He goes fast and hard and he loves when you rub your fingers around his core.

When you guys have a lazy day
He didn't want to work on puppets. You guys sat in bed talking about the most random things.

When you move out
You didn't want to be in the akatsuki hide out anymore so you had Tobi,Deidara, and sasori help you. Big mistake Deidara blew up a lot of things Tobi broke a lot of things and sasori was doing nothing. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE"!

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