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Naruto 🍥
Naruto prov
I sat there on my bed I'm a horrible boyfriend I yelled at my girlfriend she was just trying to help but I'm so focused I didn't realize. I feel like my world is falling apart she only one to make me feel like I had a real reason to live.
I look at the door I turn my head the other way maybe if I stay quite they'll leave like she did.
"Naruto get up and take a shower and eat also train to" y/n says I look up with a loom of shock "I'm so so sorry y/n pls I didn't mean it I miss you pls take me back I won't do anything wrong to you pls I can't live without you" I say while crying.
"I know but next time you yell at me ur dead now take a shower you stink then let's go on a date" y/n says smiling at me.

His prov
I stayed quite I sat at the tree wonder if she ever come here I made her feel unloved why am I here I'm pretty sure asuma will be disappointed in me god why do I screw up every I'm a horrible person.
"Shika stop ur not a horrible person and you don't screw up everything u just try to make everyone happy" y/n says she sits down next to me I noticed she has a headband I thought she hate fighting. She pats her lay telling to lay my head down on her legs I did so "have you been sleeping shikamaru" she ask god how much I miss hearing her voice I nod my head no "the sleep" she tells me I nod no I'm afraid she'll leave before my eyes like asuma did.
"Shikamaru I'm right here I'm not leaving ever just don't do anything stupid again ur supposed to be smart" she says I laugh at what she said and went to sleep with her hands going though my hair.

Kakashi 📖
Ur prov
Shikamaru dad went to my house telling that Kakashi won't leave him the hell alone and crying also drinking saying how he want me back and never read anything in front of me.

I went over and it smells awful like beer and tears mix I walked to Kakashi room to he him hugging his pillow god how I hate that pillow that pillow is rock hard I almost got brain damaged from that thing.

"Kakashi I'm sorry I don't care if you read I just wanted you to pay attention to me I know you haven't slept in a couple weeks so I won't stay long" I whisper I run my fingers throw his hair I took off his head band and his mask I lend down and kiss he's forehead.

"Lay down with me pls I don't think I could survive if you left me again" Kakashi whispers I give him a small smile I take the horrible ass pillow and put it in the floor and lay down next to Kakashi he puts his head in my chest I smile and play with his hair soon I hear soft snoring.

Sasuke 🦆
Ur prov
I bother itachi he said if I didn't leave he was going to me then his self damn what a downer god I decided to go back to my house I'm not ready to forgive duck butt yet.
I made it I went inside to see sasuke sitting on the couch trying so hard to stay awake looks like he hasn't slept I walk over and put my hand in his head.
Shit he has a fever I roll my eyes and Throw him over my shoulder and went to our room it looks like it hasn't been touched in ages.

I place him down in the bed and got a rag and a bowl of cold water and place it in his head. He open his eyes and looked over at me "I'm sorry it won't ever happen again I miss home that's all pls come back and forgive me" sasuke says I shook my head "look I'll come back but ur sleeping on the couch I can't forgive you I don't think I'll ever will did you not sleep at all since I left" I say he look hurt but understood "no I haven't sleep I didn't want to sleep and do that again Bc I can't lose you why did you come back" he tells me what a idiot sleep is very important "itachi said if I didn't leave he was going to kill me then his self also I wanted to see if you where ok" I said he nods and went to sleep.

Naruto boyfriend scenarios Where stories live. Discover now