Shino catch up

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When you meet 🪲
You never really liked going outside you would rather sleep forever. But asuma forced you out of the house, he couldn't believe he had a lazy little sister.

"This is sooo boring the sun is going to give me a sun burn at this rate" you yawn. When you closed your eyes when you yawn you bumped into a boy with weird sunglasses. "Sorry  I wasn't paying attention" you yawned he nodded.

You two meet again 🪲
You where put on his team. Let's say all you wanted to do is sleep and eat. "Y/-n your a lot like shikamaru" Hinata whispered, "yeah Hinata is right" kiba agreed with her you shrugged. "Hey shino what you doing" you ask, "I'm looking at the ants on the ground" he said That kid is weird.

You two hang out 🪲
You two had a mission to get a rare bug that can track sent. Naruto came with and he wouldn't shut up about sasuke "I swear he's gay for sasuke" you grumble shino laughed quietly "i know all he talks about is sasuke" shino said. You and shino talked about how naruto and sasuke acted gay for each other while Hinata was flustered when naruto got close to her face.

When he realized his feelings 🪲
He was kinda freaked out at first he didn't really understand until asking kurenai. Shino found out that you really love f/food and would die for anyone who got it for you. Shino got a thing of f/food and gave it to you "will you umm be my girlfriend" "yeah sure can I have the food now".

He jelly 🪲
Of Hinata
Your really close to Hinata and sometimes he sees you both blush when you guys make eye contact with each other.

How you hug🪲
It's a little weird but is nice he will slowly hug you while rubbing your lower back.

How you kiss🪲
He gets all flustered and lends in letting you kiss him first. He really enjoys it.

How you sleep 🪲
You sleep all the time so he will join you wrapping his hands around your waist.

Your clan 🪲
Sarutobi clan

Your siblings🪲
Asuma is your older brother.

You two fight🪲
You step on one of his bugs. "You need to watch where the hell your stepping y/n" shino growls "it's fine it was just one big I'll get you a new one I promise" "I can't believe you sometimes I can't believe I'm dating someone as lazy as you"

You two made up🪲
He apologized for calling you lazy and you gave him a bunch of new bugs.

Who has a crush on you 🪲

Who was a crush on him 🪲
A few a girls

He hits you 🪲
Your hair was in your face and let's say he thought it was a snake in his excuse is that  you both just woke up.

He cheats🪲
He doesn't he only likes you.

You do something stupid
He left your room for a second and you saw a bug and started to talk to it. Shino was watching from the door and laughing to himself.

When you get hurt🪲
You fell asleep  during a mission  and shino was trying his best to make you where okay but you got cut in the cheek  you got yelled at by asuma and kurenai.

When your sad🪲
He buys a you a new pillow and blanket and will sleep with you rubbing ur back.

You almost die 🪲
You jumped in front of shino and got hit he was worried asuma almost had a heart attack you where fine but you weren't allowed to go on missions for a while.

They meet your ex 🪲
Suna from haikyuu
Everyone was mad confused that you dated someone like him.

When someone touches you 🪲
He grew angry but told them to back of calmly.

Your guys first time 🪲
You where top he was a little loud.

When you guys have a lazy day🪲
You guys slept and talk about random things that happened with naruto and everything.

When you move out🪲
You fell a lot you kept falling on boxes shino help you but you still fell.

They have nightmare 🪲
"Y/n" shino looked around snapping his head looking for you only to see y/n bleeding out "shino why".
I looked around to see y/n sleeping while snoring an drooling.

His kinks🪲
When you take control he likes watching.

They do something stupid 🪲
He thought he saw a snake so he screamed loud but it was a fake snake you couldn't help but laugh.

Getting caught in the act 🪲
You and shino was doing it Bc he just needed you so you agreed. Kiba wanted to see if shino wanted to train with him "hey shin-o I saw nothing".

Hey sorry for the late chapter I just been busy and sorry if this sucked he's not one of my favorites so I felt weird writing this.

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