Itachi catch up ❤️

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When you first met
You walked in the Akatsuki wanted to talk to pain about something and that's where u met itachi.

When you met again
You where taking to pain when itachi walked in wanting to talk about something u two looked at each other for a bit until pain coughed.

When u hang out
Pain told itachi that you and him had to share a room the room was big so you and itachi sat down and talked.

When he realized his feelings
He looked at you and smiled you where passed out on the bed After a long day he felt like he could be himself and not hide anything from you.

He asks you out
Itachi prov
I decided to ask y/n out she was currently changing into her night clothes in the bathroom once she got out I walked up to her and cupped her face and pulled her in "pls be my girlfriend you make me feel like i can be myself" I say I'm a whisper she looks up and smiles at me "I'll love to be your girlfriend itachi" she said I'm smile and kiss her.

He jelly
Pain he feels like pain is in love with you and want to take him away. Itachi want to kill pain ever time.

How you hug

How you kiss

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How you kiss

How you sleep

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How you sleep

Your clothes You wear dark red with gold

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Your clothes
You wear dark red with gold.

Your clan Karatachi clanYou can use any type of water and have a big hammer that you use

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Your clan
Karatachi clan
You can use any type of water and have a big hammer that you use.

Yagura was your brother but he went missing and u can't find him.

You two fight
You found out that itachi had something to do with Yagura  disappearance so you asked and he told you that he was killed. You grew furious and took off.

Him with out u
He just lay there wondering how get u to come back he feels horrible about it he didn't know that Yagura was ur brother.

Made up
He apologized he wouldn't stop at all it got to the point your kissed him to shut him up you told him it's fine but he still upset.

Your new look

Who has a crush on you Pain

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Who has a crush on you

Itachi wants to burn the bitch till he dies.

Who has a crush on him
Random bitch u don't like

You punched her she needs to stay away from ur man

When he hits you
You guys where sleeping he had a nightmare and slapped you of course you woke up and decided to make him feel better and not mention it.

When he cheats
HE DoNt he feels like if he cheated you would kill the bitch then him he would die before he cheats.

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