14| Unsaid

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"Everyone thinks we're over it
But for a moment we still are not through"


Save Your Tears cover by Jennel Garcia (Originally by The Weekend)


"Yeah... It's nice to be sitting here with you again, too. I never thought I miss being home..." Brayden mumbled, causing me to stop on my step.

I looked back at him.

He was still looking up at the sky. His tired but relieved face glowing under the moon light.

I didn't know what to say, but for some reason, I felt so anxious to be away at that moment. It felt like a confrontational scene waiting to happen, and I wasn't up for it.

"I... I got to go."

I was about to start walking again when I heard Brayden spoke up once more.

"Isn't in funny that despite everything, I still miss how we were."

He stood up and he stared at me. You could see in his eyes different emotions rushing in.

He started to approach me.

I gulped down the anxiousness that I could feel in my chest.

I gave him one last glance and started to move away fast.

I hate feeling like this.

The feeling of being scared of uncertainty and having to confront and eventually accept your mistakes.

The feeling of being indecisive and in denial. Unsure of where to put the blame.

The pain of having to open old wounds and having to face the reality that things aren't what they used to.

I've been playing dumb, but, of course, I always knew I owe him an explanation and apology.

It's just that I couldn't bear to lose myself once more...


I could hear him calling my name, but I really couldn't stay a little longer with him.

I was scared.

"Irene, please. We've been pushing this topic away for a long time now. Why can't we just talk?!" He exclaimed at the end. He was staring at me with a frustrated expression.

"What do you want us to talk about, Brayden?" I asked in an irritating voice, giving-in.

"I--" He stuttered, seemingly unsure of what to say next.

"See? There's nothing left for us to talk, Brayden."

I was about to just stop there, but why must I hold back now? We barely talk, so why must I let go of this chance of telling him what he has to hear.

"I've moved on and so have you. You already have a girlfriend downstairs that is waiting for you. So, why do you have to keep holding unto the past? It was done. Why do we have to go back there?"

But am I really done with it?

"Irene, listen--"

"No. You listen. You took me away from home, brought me at this rubbish of a place, and even had the audacity to tell me that Uncle Philip is out to get me?! That man took care of me at the absence of my biological parents."


"You keep saying all this crap, but you weren't even here for the past four years!" I exclaimed, not hesitating to not hold back.

"Weren't you the one who pushed me away!" He screamed back


"I wasn't planning on leaving, but who in the right mind would stay?" He added.

I stared at him. Our gazes met.

"You keep saying I moved on, but why do you think I came back?"

He moved much closer to me. The space between us barely inches away.


I started to tear up at this point. I was literally at my breaking point. To be honest, I really don't know how to make out of everything that has happened. So, I really barely have the energy to confront Brayden at this moment. I am tired. I am soon going to be dead, so what's the point?

I took a deep breath as I pushed him away.

"I am dying, Brayden...I think you already know that... So, please, I beg you, let's stop wasting our time."

I said that, giving him one last glance, and started to ran away from him.

I could still hear him calling me, but I did not look back anymore.

I ran towards the big base again and bumped into a running Dylan. He was one of the people I hit a while ago. If I remember correctly he was the guy that was the one who got scared and hid away. He looked so panicked, not because of seeing me, but of something else.

"Hey. Watch where you're going." I tried to scared him more.

He did not care and he seemed to be relieved to have bumped into me.

"Thank God I found you!"

Huh? What's up with that? I thought he was going to run for the hills or something by now...

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked, weirdly

"You were with Brayden, right?"


"Shit! We are so doomed!

"Did something happened?"

"Well... err..."

"Well, what?"

"Well, Mr. Philip Lewis is outside at the gate right now."



A/N: Hewwo, peeps! I was feeling productive today and decided to write this, PLUS I also have a new book cover! I edited it a while ago and I am soooo excited to show it to you, guys! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chap. Stay safe!

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