07| halcyon

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Author's Note:  Hey, reader! The update is finally here!  So happy you stopped by here. I would like to thank the heavens for the success (I guess you can call it success) of this book. As of  12th day of August 2020, 3:28 PM, TODAY TONIGHT TOMORROW has 502 reads, 218 votes. I would like to say to the people who continue to support my writing passion, thank you so much! 

Also, I would like to add. To those who have song suggestions and stuff like that, don't hesitate to send me a private message in my inbox. I would love to hear that!

Anyway, let's start this thing!

Love lots, Sofie.




denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy.


Break My Heart Again by FINNEAS


In the point of view of Brayden


I still have ten hours before my flight. After years of building up my walls and making my mind up that I was never going back to that small town, I found myself eating up my words.

My mind was all over the place, yet even decided to go for a morning jog. It felt as if my sobriety was out of the window as I hurried my pace lazily down the rubber pavements of the oval as the drizzle of the upcoming storm rain on me.

The sky was dark and the surrounding was slowly getting windier and windier. My hood was up and I was looking down to the ground every step I took. Suddenly, I accidentally bumped into someone and my hood fell down.

"Regardez où vous allez, trou du cul!" 

English translation: Watch where you are going, ass****

A/N: used  the help of Yandex. Translate

It was an old drunk man, probably in his fifties. I looked closer at him and realized he was Caron's uncle, who was a lawyer and the one he uses to threaten me when he makes fun of me. Instead of apologizing, I just nodded and went back to my business.

Deciding to move to France was the hardest and most firm decision I ever made in my life. To be honest, I never saw myself having a life here, but everything changed that January day. Did I regret it? Sometimes. Though, in my head, everything happens for a reason.

I was a mile away from my shared- condo. I just passed by my favorite bakery and the bike shop I bought my first bike. The rain was starting to get heavier and the skies was getting dimmer.

Can I just change my mind and stay?

Can I do this all over again?


4 hours left

I was sitting at the checked- in lounge as I patiently waited for the plane to arrive. I held my passport and ticket with a tight grasp as I thought anxiously if I am doing the right thing. Does she still remember me?

The area was pretty much crowded as the fare prices were cheaper this season. Kids were running here and there and phone charging areas were full. I boringly stared at the television, on play a lifestyle channel featuring worth it places to travel. I sighed. Who watches that kind of stuff?

I took my phone and placed the passcode, 0223. I then went to messages and read my father's message the hundredth time. I read it again and again and again and again as some kind of song that I don't know played on the background

She's sick.
5 years at most.
End call. Duration: 02:01:54

I sighed as I once again turned my antique of a phone off and decided to do some shut eye as I listened to the song playing. My eyes were tired from sleep deprivation and stress from school, work and her.

I can't believe I'm doing this.


Time's up

I stood at our main door, waiting for someone to open the door after I rung our door bell. It wasn't that obvious, but I was having a hard time to breathe and stay alive as I anxiously thought of how much close we were to be and how much I missed her.

The door opened and a new butler answered the door. He was in his early twenties, probably just finished college. He was wearing a trying- hard smile and a fine suit.

"You must be Mr. Philip's son, come in. He is in his office." He replied in a husky hoarse voice, somewhat like he just woke up and started his day. I went inside and realized the interior completely changed since I was here.

There were new rooms, new furniture and even there were paintings this time. We never had before since my mom had some kind of phobia to mid-century masterpieces.

The butler, who I came to know his name was Law, led me to a hallway and to a room where I saw my father sitting on his chair as he busily answered some calls. When he saw me, he immediately left his work and hugged me as if he missed me more than how I thought.

"My son, Brayden, It's good to see you are back!" He said as he hugged me tight and I did the same, despite feeling kind of uncomfortable. I immediately left out of his hold and just gave him a smile.

"Hey, dad. It's good to see you, too." I curtly replied

"Boy, you have grown so much since the last time I saw you. Were you alright in France? The boys called me early this morning that they are excited to see you once again." My dad babbled as I awkwardly stood in front of him.

"Uhmm... Let's have a sit, shall we?" He said as he sat onto the armchair while I sat on the couch he have. But before we could both do that, we were shocked to hear someone jumping out of from dad's always empty cabinet. Dad and I stood frozen as we stared at the unexpected surprise of the morning.

There's nothing special in what she wears, nor with her hair. There's nothing special with her stare, but there I was frozen as I stared at the girl as if the earth stopped on its tracks, time ceased to exist, the world has only her and me....

Just like when we were thirteen.

"Good morning, guys!" She said as she pull back her familiar brunette hair out of her face, as she stood up and glance at me.

I'm really here.


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