The Talk

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At School In The Schuester's House

Jesse was in the kitchen while her brothers were in the living room. Will walks over to her and lays down some pamphlets in front of Jesse. "What are those?" Jesse asks him. "Those are some pamphlets that I picked up from the free clinic. I thought it might help the process along because it is time that you and I had the talk." Will said to her. "No, it's not." Jesse said to him. "Yes, it is. You have to know this..." Will said to her but Jesse cuts him off. Jesse puts her fingers in her ears and tries to sing her way out of this conversation. "La, la, la! La, la, la!" Jesse sings while walking to the living room while Will takes the pamphlets. "Hey, you think this is easy for me?" Will asks her while taking her shoulders. "La, la, la, la!" Jesse sings louder as Will sits her down in between her brothers. "Believe me, I want to do this even less than you do." Will said to her. "But we're going to get through it together." Will said to her while sitting down. "We can leave." Jamey said to him. "No, you stay." Jesse said to him taking her brothers' hands holding them. "Now, first, most of the, uh, mechanics of what you're gonna be doing is covered in the pamphlets, okay, so, I want you to read them. And then I want you to come to talk to me about it. Deal?" Will said to her. "Okay." Jesse said to him. "Now, for most guys, sex is just, you know, this thing we always want to do. It's fun, feels great, but we're not really thinking too much about how it makes us feel on the inside, or, you know, how the other person feels about it." Will said to her while Jesse looks at him. "Women are different?" Jesse asks him. "Only because they get that it's about something more than just the physical. You know, when you're intimate with somebody, in that way, you're exposing yourself. You're never going to be more vulnerable, and that scares the hell out of a lot of guys. Believe me, I can't tell you how many buddies I've got who have gotten in way too deep with a girl who said she was cool with just hooking up." Will said to her. "But that's not going to happen to me, Dad." Jesse said to him. "It's gonna be easier to come by, and once you start doing this stuff you're not gonna want to stop. You just, you gotta know that it means something. You know. It's doing something – to you, to your heart, to your self-esteem. Even though it feels like you're just having fun." Will said to her making the brothers look at each other. "So you're saying I shouldn't have sex?" Jesse asks him. "I think on your 30th birthday it is a great gift to yourself. Jess, when you're ready, I want you to be able everything. But when you're ready, I want you to use it as a way to connect to another person. Don't throw yourself around, like you don't matter. 'Cause you matter, Jesse." Will said to her. "Is that it?" Jesse asks him. "That's it, for now. Can I make you some toast?" Will asks her. "I think I'll take it up to my room to eat while I look over my new pamphlets." Jesse said and she takes the pamphlets. "Thank you, Dad." Jesse said to him with a smile. "You're welcome." Will said to her with a smile. Jesse stands up and walks to her room. "Where is our talk?" Sebastian asks him making Will laugh a little.

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