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Jesse's Dalton Outfit

Jesse's Dalton Outfit

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Jamey Outfit

At McKinley In The Hallways

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At McKinley In The Hallways

Sebastian and Jamey were walking to the choir room. "I understand that she wants to come back but what about Dave. He may start pushing her around again." Sebastian said to his brother. "I know that. But think about it is it safe for her to come back?" Jamey asks him. "Well, Rachel is still talking bad about us but not behind our backs anymore." Sebastian said to him. "And Dave?" Jamey asks him. "He hasn't talked to us or bullies us in any way." Sebastian said as the two walks the choir room. "We see what if it is safe for her to come back." Jamey said to him as Kurt and Sam walks over to them.

Later In The Choir Room

Will and Emma walk into the choir room and Will writes 'ACCEPTANCE' on the board. "Um, why is Ms. Pillsbury here?" Finn asks Will. "She's helping us out with this week's assignment." Will said to him as Will walks over to Emma. "Now, this is the only club at school that is represented by just about every race, religion, sexual orientation, and clique, but many of you are still having a hard time with acceptance." Will said to them. "That's crazy, Mr. Shue. We love each other." Mercedes said to him. "No, I won't deny that you accept each other, but you don't accept yourselves. This week's assignment has two parts. I want all of you to sing songs about accepting yourself for who you are– The best and the worst parts." Will said to them. "What's the second part?" Kurt asks him. "Well, we're going to do a group number by the queen of self-love–Gaga." Will said to them making everyone cheers. "We're going to perform her anthem to acceptance Born This Way." Will said to them making them cheer louder. "Wait, wait, I still don't know why Ms. Pillsbury is here." Sebastian said to him. "I'm here to help you with your costumes for the big number. Each of you will be issued a beautifully fitted white T-shirt. We will then use this write a word or a phrase that best describes the thing about you that you're the most ashamed of or you'd like to change but you can't because you were born that way, which is super terrific." Emma said to them. "I want you to love those parts of you, you know, embrace them, wear them on your chest with pride." Will said to them. "Can you give an example?" Mike asks him. "Yeah." Will said and he looks at Emma. "It's the big moment." Will said to her and Emma stands up. Emma opens her sweater and her shirt says GINGER. "Wow, Emma, I thought the whole purpose of you doing this was to write..." Will said to her but Emma cuts him off. "Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say that I smell like copper, I can get a sunburn indoors at night, and according to recent legend, I have no soul, but I'm here to say that this very curse is what makes me unique. Children, I claim my ginger hood before you today. I was born this way. Hooray. Hooray! Hooray!" Emma said to them making the teens look at each other. 

At Dalton In The Hallways

Blaine walks over to Jesse who was by her locker. "Hey." Blaine said making Jesse look at him. "What did your brothers say about you going back?" Blaine asks her, Jesse closes her locker. "They told me to wait for them to see if it is safe for me to come back." Jesse said to him. "Don't you love it here?" Blaine asks her. "I do, but I miss everyone at McKinley." Jesse said to him making Blaine nod understanding. "Come on, I walk you to class." Blaine said to her. Jesse nods and links her arm with Blaine and they walk to their class.

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