Planning A Funeral

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Later At McKinley In Sue's Office

The siblings enter Sue's office to pay their respects after her sister died. "Coach Sylvester?" Jesse said making Sue look at the three. "We're sorry for your loss." Jamey said to her as the three walks into the room. "So...why'd you bother doing this...comforting me...after I've actively made your life a living hell...and enjoyed doing it?" Sue asks them. "We don't know what's it like to lose someone really close to you but we know it will hate a lot." Sebastian said to her. "So how do you think you can help me? Are you here to tell me how to deal with this?" Sue asks them. "Not at all." Jesse said to her. "Cause if I was being honest with you...Will's kids...I don't know how to deal with this. I can't go back into that nursing home and start sorting through Jean's things. And I won't plan a funeral." Sue said to them. "Have you told your mother yet?" Jamey asks her. "As far as I'm concerned, she said her goodbyes to us years ago. If you three would really like to help might start by explaining why it was her time and not mine. She's the sweetest person I ever met. And as you three of you can attest, I'm probably the meanest. So how come I'm the one still standing here talking to you?" Sue asks them and she looks away from them. "What would you do if one of you three die?" Sue asks them making the three look at each other.

Later, the siblings called everyone to the choir room. "We need to help her. She's overwhelmed, and she needs us to help her." Sebastian said to everyone. "Seriously? I'd like to put the "fun" back in "funeral" just as much as the next girl. But why would the Glee Club help Coach Sylvester plan a service?" Santana asks them. "We're not doing it for Sue. We're doing it for her sister. Jean is just like us, guys. She's been an outsider and an underdog all of her life." Jesse said to them. "We, of all people, should celebrate that." Jamey said to them making everyone think about it. "Can I say something?" Male Jesse asks making everyone look at him. "When someone dies, yes, it's a tragedy. But it's also a part of life, and you can't let death put your life on hold. Now, I don't mean to be blunt, but I don't think you should be planning a funeral...the same week you should be focusing on the setlist for nationals." Male Jesse said to them. "Seriously? Y-You're serious?" Finn asks him. "Actually, yes, I am. Do you know what Vocal Adrenaline is doing right now?They're in their third week of 24-hour-a-day rehearsals. They're on an I.V. drip. That's how hard they're working. Do you know what happens in Vocal Adrenaline if someone dies during a number? They use them as a prop, like Weekend at Bernie's." Male Jesse said to them. "No." Sebastian said making Male Jesse look at him. "Thanks for your input, Jesse, but we're helping Sue with the service for her sister." Sebastian said to him making everyone nod agreeing. "We are making the call." Jesse said to Male Jesse who looks at her. "We're doing this." Jamey said to him making Will smile at them.

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