chapter 4

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Sidenote: i also have inpiration for another story which would be less crappy!


Chapter 4

Alexe’s POV

“dammit its 7am time for school” I said while waking up

I really hated school, I was bullied in my old school and I had to change school 2 times due to stupid rumors and stuff so needless to say doing online school for about 8 months was paradise but since there’s a school about 10 minutes from the house it was back to school time.  I did the usual morning stuff, shower got dressed and went downstairs and saw becca and josh passed out on our couch, wasn’t really like them to do that, “whatever” I thought and decided to rummage the fridge for food.  Apparently Hella didn’t have school today which was totally unfair so I was the only one awake, it wasn’t that much different than when I’d attend school in Canada I’d  always wake up around 6am grab some coffee and get to school early to avoid the huge crowd in the locker room. My watch indicated that it was 7:30 and school started at 8 so I should probably get my stuff and leave the house, I tried to make zero sound because it’s pretty rude to make noise while everyone is asleep. Once out of the house I decided to walk to school, I think I saw Toby get a lift from his dad but I was so concentrated on my music I couldn’t tell if it was actually him. Once I got to school I was completely lost but I managed to find myself at the principal’s office he told me to wait in his office till the bell rang and then he’d give me the school tour and my schedule. According to my schedule my first class was… math, I wasn’t bad at math hell I’m a B+ student but jesus did I hate math, I walked to class turns out the teacher wasn’t even there yet so I took a seat and waited.

“Alexe?” a familiar voice said

I turned around and well, there was Toby holding hands with a blond girl

“uuuh hi? Is this your seat cause I can move if you want”

“nah sit there but hey what are you doing here?”

“well, this considering I’m 15 and I’m a minor I need education so a school is the best place to get it”

“hey I’m not that dumb” he said with a laugh “I didn’t know you were coming to this school! This is awesome! Oh by the way this is my girlfriend Bella”

That girl kept staring at me like is I was a dirty insect or whatnot. She had blonde hair that fell to her sides and the tips were pink. She was wearing very revealing clothing and kept shooting me death glares

“I’m Alexe” I extended my hand but she coldly rejected it

“seems you want to shake everyone’s hand but mine” toby joked

“boys had cooties” I joked

“c’mon tob let’s go sit by Dean and Sarah” Bella said and pulled him away

“sure, hey Alexe you should have lunch with us” Toby said while being dragged away

“Okay” I thought, but it was obvious that Bella did not want me near Toby

Class started and a black haired boy with blue streaks sat next to me, the class was about algebra boring old algebra. The teacher gave us work and said we could do it in teams of 2 which I didn’t get because algebra is pretty easy. The guy that sat next to me turned and asked me if I wanted to work with him I told him that I’d be a better idea to not since im new at this school and hanging around with the new kid isn’t I don’t know but it’s not “cool” or anything but he told me he didn’t give a damm about it so yay? I guess working with him could maybe give me a chance to have a friend at this school. Turned out all my morning classes were with him so we walked together to the classes.

“By the way my name is Zach” he said smiling “you’re Anna?”

“uh, yeah but call me Alexe”

“So Alexe, would you like to have lunch with me and my friends?”

“I don’t think your friends would like to have lunch with me so nah”

“you kidding? I’m sure my friends would love to meet you”

“sure” I said with a lot of hesitation

Lunch went by like this Zach introduced me to 4 people, 3 guys and 1 girl. There was Kelsea, red headed girl that was pretty skinny, Then there was Max who looked just like Kelsea but in guy form which is understandable  since they’re twins, Mike was a pretty buff guy with blond hair and lastly Ian a brown headed boy. I sat down and started talking to them, they were very funny people, I turned around and saw Toby and Bella sitting at a table with a couple of other people

“that’s the popular people” Kelsea said “don’t get involved with them especially Bella, she has the power to expel quite fast, her dad is the principal therefor she has power. Also I’d advise you to stay away from Toby the brown haired boy over there Bella’s pretty overprotective of him anyone that get’s to close to him is dead in her eyes”

“thanks for the heads up. I Have French class so I’d better me going” I said

Toby’s girlfriend is an overprotective bitch. Hmm, I wonder why they’re dating…. Toby seemed very friendly when I met him

“ I got French too so Alexe wanna walk together?”  mike said

“sure ….Mike right??”

“yup let’s go”

French was really boring, but yeah what subject isn’t boring? But mostly because since I lived in Canada I’m learning a bunch of things I learned when I have 9. Once again we could be in partners for working so Mike turned to me and asked if I wanted to be his partner

“dammit I don’t understand anything” mike complained

“ dude its easy, ok first the answer there is wrong because you conjugated it in the wrong term, also since over there its “je” it takes an S at the end”

Mike just stared at me like if I was talking in Chinese.

“what?” I said

“nothing just surprise you know this shit” he said 

“I learned this when I was like 9”

The bell rang, yeah school is over so yay no more hell… until tomorrow. I got out of school and saw Toby kiss Bella. I guess I’ll be walking home alone.

“hey wait!” toby said


“let’s walk together” his smile was so great I can’t even


“so how’d you like school?”

“was okay, your girlfriend kept giving me death looks”

“yeah… I’m actually thinking of dumping her” he said while scratching his head

“why? She seems….. friendly… ish”

“I don’t even know why I started dating her, all I know is that since we’ve started dating im with the popular crowd also I’m not a huge fan of having such a clingy girlfriend. What am I going to do when tour starts? She’s going to want to call me all the time and make sure I’m not cheating not that I would ever cheat but yeah”

“that’s cool toby” I wasn’t very interested in talking about Bella

“so I see you and Zach are friends”

“met in math class after Bella dragged you away”

“he’s a nice guy”

Things kinda got awkward then, Toby’s house was 3 houses before mine so I walked the rest alone, when I got home I directly went and did homework. Caitlyn came and told me food was ready but I wasn’t hungry so I stayed in my room for the duration of the night. but hey, tomorrow is a saturday so no school! weird that i started school of a friday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2013 ⏰

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