3 - What's going on?

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"Go away." I heard Ranboo say quietly. When he looked up and saw I was with Michael, he picked him up and sat back in the corner, placing Michael on his lap. Then he went back to mumbling.

"What's going on? Are you okay? Do you want me to get Tub-" he cut me off mid-sentence.

"Please please PLEASE be quiet. I'm trying to remember something."

"Okay... sorry." He didn't need to be so rude about it.

A minute had passed and Tubbo still hadn't come back from the bathroom yet. I was starting to get a little worried. I surprised myself with the fact I was actually kind of worried about Ranboo, can't I just be cold hearted and leave him? But Tubbo clearly likes him a lot. I'll do it for Tubbo.

I tapped Ranboo on the shoulder and he shook his arm. "Please don't touch me. Stay over there. I don't want to hurt you." He said.

Hurt me? Why would he want to do that anyway? Somethings a bit off about this.

"Hey, Ranboo shall I take Michael off you, he looks bored. I'll take him outside to play, is that okay?" Michael didn't look bored, I just didn't feel right leaving a child with someone who clearly wasn't mentally stable for whatever reason.

"No." He said. "You can't have Michael."
He stood up and held him in both arms, Michael leaned into Ranboo, hugging him and closing his eyes.

"You good?" I asked.

"Do not let them know what you have done." He whispered.


"Do not let them know what you have done.
Do not let them know what you have done." He repeated over and over again, getting louder and louder each time. Michael looked scared.

"What have you done? Ranboo stop it. You're scaring Michael." I just wanted to leave, I had had enough of this. But I couldn't leave Michael there, now he was so scared he was squealing loudly.

I tried to pull Michael away from Ranboo but he let out a loud scream that didn't sound human at all. I stood back.

"What the fuck."

Ranboo gripped Michael harder and it looked like he was hurting him.

"Ranboo just give me Michael and I'll leave."

He didn't reply. He just kept making those screaming noises. Michael was crying so I tried to slip him from underneath Ranboo's arms again when he wasn't paying attention and it worked.

I quickly ran out of the room and Ranboo chased after me. I panicked and dropped to the floor, still holding Michael, trying to keep him safe.


I shouted for Tubbo, maybe he knew what the hell was going on.

"YEAH?" I heard him shout from the next room.

"HELP." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I wasn't thinking about much else other than keeping Michael safe from Ranboo. What the heck has gotten into him? This is the "person" Tubbo married?

Ranboo calmed down and stopped being aggressive. He looked around, then down at me and Michael. The look on his face was something I don't think ill ever forget.

He looked terrified. As if he'd just seen a ghost. He looked confused, too.

"What happened?" He asked me. "Why are you on the floor with Michael?"

"What do you mean- you-"

"Tommy?" Tubbo said as he ran into the room and pulled up from the floor. He snatched Michael from me and pushed me backwards.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I let you come over to get to know my husband and you try to hurt my child?"

What? I was so confused. I was trying to protect Michael from Ranboo.

"I didn't do anything. It was Ranboo. He made Michael cry, he was hurting him." I tried to explain, I didn't want to say much more Incase Ranboo got mad at me.

Ranboo didn't look mad though, he looked out of it. Like he still didn't know what was going on.

"Tommy, Ranboo would never do that. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you can accuse him of that." I had never seen Tubbo this mad before.


"No I don't want to hear it, Tommy. Get out." He pointed to the door, both his eyebrows raised at me to reinforce the seriousness of what he had said.

I didn't say a word, I just looked at Ranboo angrily and left, slamming the door shut. Of course Ranboo looked all confused as if he'd done nothing wrong. What the fuck is wrong with that guy?


Words ~ 766
Hehehe ;)

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