4 - I don't remember

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I sprinted home, I wasn't completely familiar with the area so it took me while, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get home and try to figure out what the heck happened back there.

When I got home, Quackity was sitting on my doorstep, he looked like he was waiting for me.
"Hey." I said as I approached my door and let him him first.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Quackity asked.


"First of all, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good, second of all, you know Dream?"


"What's his secret? He must have told you if you were with him for such a long time."

"Secret?" I was confused. Does he mean the revive book?

"How did he bring you back from the dead?"

I paused and sighed. Why can't people just not talk about my death?

"I don't know." I said, I felt so bad for lying to another person about it, but I couldn't tell him yet.

"I've been going to the prison every day trying to get Dream to spit it out, but he won't fucking tell me. Even after torturing him he still won't tell me, he must be enjoying it."

"You've been torturing dream? What the-"

"It's all for a good cause. If we find out how he brought you back we could bring Wilbur and Schlatt back."

I thought for a minute. I do desperately want Wilbur back, but he's not the same now. He's been dead for such a long time.

"I don't think it's a good idea to bring them back, Quackity."

"Why not?"

"Wilbur is... different now. I think he's gone insane in the afterlife."

"But don't you want to know how he brought you back?" He asked.

I already know.

"Well yeah. But it doesn't matter that much."

"I guess you're right. All that matters is that you're here now. Wait- how many lives do you have left now? Is it one, or do you have all three?"

I hadn't even thought about that myself.

"I have no idea. I don't want to find out."

"Agreed. I'll keep you safe, Tommy. Anything you need help with, you know where I am."

"Thanks, Big Q."

Quackity left and I spent some time sorting my ender chest. I looked at the discs and thought about Wilbur. I placed my compass down in the chest carefully next to my diamonds.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I saw Ranboo standing outside the hotel him and Tubbo were still building, he was putting up signs.

I started to feel angry, not just at the fact Ranboo had lied to make me look bad, but also that I'd just remembered he had taken over my hotel, too.

"Hey, Ranboo." I shouted as I angrily marched up to him. He jumped and dropped the signs.

"Ranboo, pal, what the fuck was that little show yesterday? You made me look like a right twat."

"I- I have no idea what you're talking about. All I saw was you sitting on the floor holding Michael. Then Tubbo came in an-"

"You fucking liar, I know what fucking happened, I was there. And you're twisting the truth. You scared Michael so I took him from you and Tubbo thought I had hurt him."

"Crap- I'm sorry. I- my memory isn't exactly great."

"No shit."

"I don't think I would have hurt Michael, though. I love him."

"Well you looked like you were about to."

Ranboo looked upset. I backed away and crossed my arms.

"When I came out of prison, I didn't expect to come back to my best friend replacing me, and his new friend... husband, whatever, to make me look like an asshole." I started ranting to him.

"I don't know what the hell happened yesterday or why you don't remember, but I'm keeping an eye on you. So don't pull anything like that off again." I said firmly.

He nodded and started twiddling his thumbs while walking back into the hotel to finish off whatever he was doing.


Words ~ 648

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