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❝ what exactly are you saying sensei? ❞, kumiho asked with her brows furrowed, her forehead creased. she held a device in one hand as she flipped through a book with the other

a low chuckle was heard from the other line making her more frustrated with him

❝ what i'm saying is you possess a special ability within you ❞, he explain with a calm smile

she sighed and toss the book away before headed to her bed, ❝ that makes no sense—how can i possess two abilities? that's just impossible ❞, she says

the sound of rustling came from sensei youku's side, probably from his bed since she decided to call him at three in the morning

❝ legend says that every five thousand years, one of our kind will be blessed with a powerful energy from the gods—a power where it is meant to protect the people ❞, he stated, ❝ but this power can be used as a destructive purpose if given to the wrong hands ❞

it was quiet on both sides, only the sound of rain hitting kumiho's window as she processed his words. she really missed the old man—he was the one that took her and her brother under his wing and basically became a parental figure

❝ tell me child, what feelings did you have when it happened ❞

kumiho slumped her shoulders as she buried herself deep into the warm mattress, ❝ i felt scared and oddly protective when one of the DV7's tried to hurt my friend.. ❞

before youku could respond, his name was called from afar—it sounded like kou, one of the warriors who surveillance the gates from any trespassers

kumiho smirked, ❝ is that my beloved kou i heard? ❞, she asked

❝ no ❞, youku denied, ❝ he's too old for you ❞

❝ he's only five years older than m— ❞, she was interrupted by her sensei's groan

❝ my presence is needed ❞, he said with a tired expression, ❝ do not push yourself with your new ability, go with the flow, just like the— ❞

❝ —like the fish in the stream, i know ❞, she says and heard him huff in dissatisfaction of being cut off and hang ups the phone

when kumiho entered the main lobby, she wasn't surprised with the huge uproar happening between the team

❝ well miyo, you probably knew about this for a while and decided to keep it to yourself ❞, popo accused and pointed a finger at her, only to cower away when he received a scratch on the cheek

❝ i just found out recently before the match started so i wasn't able to tell ❞, she says, making eye contact with kumiho, ❝ charming gold planted gai within our team as a spy ❞

❝ he was given a code called man-x ❞, kumiho finished

everyone looked down, not wanting to believe that gai—their friend—betrayed them

❝ charming gold planned everything out so gai could be the winner ❞, she added and sat beside pala, giving the old man a side hug

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