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as the light faded back into the crystal, they all noticed the difference in charming gold's features. he was back to having that smooth doll-like face, like there were no wrinkles or cracks there in the first place

kumiho ran her hand down her side, stopping to her hips to grab her utility belt. inside the pockets were daggers, small vials of pala's potions and bandages

her eyes were glued to charming gold, more like what was behind him. it looked oddly familiar and not in a good way—not one bit. this time, he didn't hide himself in the robot but instead stood tall on its shoulder

❝ you have seen my ugly side so you must die at once ❞, he spoke, smirking at them

❝ that's a stupid reason for us to die ❞, kuga muttered and only kumiho heard. she bit her lips to suppress a smile

❝ now let's see if it'll work ❞, charming gold trailed off and snapped his fingers. the machine moved its arm and surrounding its fist was a paw symbol and aimed it towards them

both kuga and makhan dropped onto their knees as a wisp of energy escaped their bodies. the machine had consumed their abilities, only to send it back two times more powerful

kuga would've gotten crushed if kumiho didn't push him to the send, both tumbling to the ground

❝ looks like i saved you again ❞, she grinned, hovering over his form with both hands beside his head. he huffed, the tips of his ears flushed and shoved her off

❝ how on earth did he do the super paw move? ❞, makhan asked, sharing a look with shan who shrugged with wide eyes

❝ i can take you all easily—even you, my darling ❞, charming golf blew a kiss towards kumiho who gave him the finger in return

❝ energy absorption sixty-five percent ❞, a robotic voice reached everyone's ears

kumiho's eyes lit up and she sprinted towards charming gold, her hands in a firm grip and she made sure not to activate her ability incase the machine absorbs it. as she got closer to him, her fist dug into his ribs and her feet pushed the machine and it tumbled back

❝ system error. energy is currently unstable, reaching the absorption will be dangerous if continued ❞, the machine warned as charming gold tried to level out his breathing from the hit

hearing that, shan raised a brow as an idea popped up. she brought two fingers up to her lips and whistled to catch everyone's attention. the majority of the team turned and noticed her grin spreading widely to the point it reached her ears

❝ energy absorption eighty-five percent ❞

charming gold laughed at their attempts of defeating him. they tried combining their powers together for the machine to consume but it wasn't strong enough

❝ well that was certainly a good try—a very good try ❞, he wiped away his fake tears, his cheeks hurled from laughing so much, ❝ but i'm afraid you've failed and there's nothing you can do to stop me ❞

kuga took his attention away from liu and gai—both boys stuck beneath some rubble—and turned to kumiho, ❝ is this really all we've got..? ❞, he asked, purple energy flickering around his paws

kumiho momentarily stiffened and looked at her hands, ❝ we're doubting ourselves to the point we can't go full power ❞, she answered with a frown

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