A Night To Remember

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A/N: HIIII!!!! Welcome to Book 2 of The Girl With Fire For Hair!! Reminder, your hair looks like the picture above, in case you forgot. I have many plans for this story, SO I really think it will turn out good! Anyways, on with the story! 😁😁😁For this chapter, ignore the voices in the song above, they don't apply to the story. This first chapter takes place three years after the end of Book 1.


A blonde elf, Amara, helped brush out the fire colored hair of the girl before placing a silver elven crown on her head. Braided into the fiery locks was a simple bead of metal in which a dragon was engraved. Y/n ran her hands down the white fabric of her dress, a soft whisper of a smile crossed her features as she remembered how she first met the love of her life.

 Y/n ran her hands down the white fabric of her dress, a soft whisper of a smile crossed her features as she remembered how she first met the love of her life

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"Are you excited?" Amara asked, her slightly accented voice filling the quiet room

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"Are you excited?" Amara asked, her slightly accented voice filling the quiet room.

"Yes, but also nervous," Y/n laughed softly.

"When I married Fili, I was also nervous. But it's one of the best feelings ever, trust me."

Y/n took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm ready."

"Look at me. This is going to be one of the best days of your life."

"Thanks Amara. Fili is lucky to have you."

Amara laughed softly. "He should be." She straightened out some of Y/n's hair, making sure it looked perfect. "Let's get you out there."

"I owe you big time."

"No need, Y/n. It helps that you offer to take care of Estel for me."

"Never thought a two year old could be such trouble."

This caused Amara to laugh again as she led Y/n out of the room. "She is indeed. Now, let's just focus on getting you down that aisle."

"Yes ma'am."

"Milady," Thorin bowed.

"My King," Y/n bowed back. "Thank you for offering to walk with me."

"It's the least I can do." He extended his arm, to which Y/n linked hers through. Amara lifted up Estel, who held a tiny flower basket full of light blue flower petals.

"Ready Y/n?"

"As I'll ever be." Y/n took a deep breath as the doors opened and the crowd looked towards the entrance. A choir of elves began to harmonize, their voices filling the hall with an ethereal aura. Kili looked towards her, and his face broke out in a bright grin. Even from her distance, Y/n could see tears brimming in his eyes.

The closer Y/n got, the more her own smile grew. More and more butterflies erupted in her stomach. Amara took Estel and stood next to Fili as Thorin stopped, placed a kiss on Y/n's hand, and passed her off to Kili.

"Y/n, you look..." he whispered, tears now fully falling.

"Not so bad yourself," Y/n teased quietly. Kili chuckled as Gandalf began to speak. He talked of how everyone was gathered to celebrate Y/n and Kili and about how many dwarves spend their lives searching for their One, and that Kili was completely enchanted with Y/n.

Y/n found it hard to focus, realizing that in mere minutes, she would be married to her soulmate. She was filled with glee, feeling fireworks in his chest. The anticipation was agonizing, and she was eager for the moment she had been waiting for since he proposed a year ago.

And there were those five words.

"You may kiss the bride."

Kili instantly cupped her face, gently pressing his lips to hers as the onlookers clapped. It was real. This was real. Completely and utterly real and it felt amazing.

Kili pulled away, and whispered against her lips. "It's about time."

Y/n laughed breathlessly. "Didn't realize you were that eager to marry me."

"I was wishing for this day since I saw you."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Impossible!" Y/n teased.

"I doubt it," Kili said, kissing her again.

"Kili!" Estel squealed, reaching for him as Amara and Fili walked over.

"Well hello, little princess!" Kili greeted, lifting his niece into his arms. Estel giggled and cuddled into his chest.

"Congratulations, you two," Fili stated, motioning to ruffle Kili's hair.

"Don't you dare."

Amara and Y/n hugged as they laughed at the brothers' interaction. "Thank you, Amara. I couldn't have done this without you."

"Don't worry about it, Y/n. I'm just glad it turned out wonderfully."

"It turned out wonderfully because of you, my dear," Fili complimented.

"I didn't really do that much..."

"You planned this entire thing, Amara. You made all this possible," Fili announced. At her husband's compliment, Amara blushed. Several people came to congratulate Y/n and Kili and to offer well-wishes for a safe and happy marriage.

Y/n felt rather whimsical, like she was walking on clouds. It was an overwhelming sense of euphoria and she never wanted it to end. She absolutely adored everything about this moment.

"Shall we dance, milady?" Kili asked, bowing deeply, his hand extended. He looked up at Y/n and raised an eyebrow.

"How can I refuse?" Y/n replied, placing her hand in his. Even now, she still felt sparks at his touch, and reveled in the way her hand fit in Kili's so perfectly. Perfectly crafted for one another, each one half of a whole. And to think Y/n never really believed in soulmates before she came here.

Kili looked over at her, once again picking out every perfect feature he could find. The spark in her eyes, the fiery color of her hair, the oh so perfect smile on her face. He wished he had a stronger than perfect to describe her as. She was the most perfect thing he had ever seen, and he found a lack of words to describe her. She meant so much to him, and he was thanking the universe that she was a part of his life.

Everything felt complete. Everyone was happy and healthy. But hey, when has anything ever stayed that way?


A/N: HI AGAIN!!!! This was a shorter chapter (and not the best chapter), BUT I think it was a good start. And YAY, YOU'RE NOW MARRIED TO KILI!! You're welcome 😌 just to clarify, this book takes place during the events of LOTR, because why not. I have a few ideas, so we'll work with what I got. I'm so excited for this, and I hope this is as good as the first one! I love you all! 💖💖💖💖

 I'm so excited for this, and I hope this is as good as the first one! I love you all! 💖💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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