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After a little while Lust woke up to Blue holding him as he and Carrot walked around. Not wanting to stop their conversation Lust pretended to still be asleep but he knew that Blue knew he was up as he readjusted how he was holding Lust into a more comfortable fake sleep position. "I guess I'm the nieve one aren't I? Heh, when L wakes up I'll apologize correctly, again, for everything," Carrot admitted a bit shyly. Blue smiled genuinely and thanked Carrot in his fake voice. After a short amount of time, they saw Queen Toriel talking to Chara in Waterfall. Blue seemed to have forgotten for a moment that Chara had already met Toriel, fought her, spared her thankfully, and was adopted by her. However, for one reason or another, the barrier did not open, and RESET was no longer available to the young child.

Once the skeletons reached Toriel, Chara, and turns out Nabstabot was with them as well, the queen greeted them kindly, "Hello Sans, Papyrus. It is quite a nice day today is it not?" Chara waved and gave Carrot a light hug. Carrot smiled and hugged the small girl he considered his daughter before picking her up. Blue gave a small bow to the queen, careful as he still held Lust, "Indeed it is ma'am! In my humble opinion Waterfall is the most beautiful part of the underground." The group continues walking further into Waterfall towards the Core as they converse, Carrot carrying Chara and Blue carrying Lust. It was mostly Nabstabot that did the talking however, talking of his newest show idea, surface plans that he wished to complete, mindless talking to fill the silence. During this time Lust fell back asleep, cuddled by his lover, safe and cared for.

Eventually, Nabstabot allowed the others to talk and so Queen Toriel and Blue talked. By now they were in the Core and they were talking of plans related to the barrier and surface. Upon hearing his voice Lust woke up again but still pretended to sleep. "I haven't a clue on what we'll do about the barrier." Queen Toriel spoke but Blue rested a gentle hand on her arm, "It's alright Queen Toriel! I am working on finding a way to break it so don't worry about it! Just focus on the monsters and I'll focus on the hard things." Queen Toriel smiled a bit. Nabstabot jutted in, always needing the spotlight, "If I may ask dears! What is your relationship between each other? Also Sans, what is your job?"

Carrot seemed to be for the most part sleepwalking causing Blue to have to grab his hoodie when the group stopped, "The queen and I are coworkers, that is all." Blue was very matter-of-fact and respectful while Queen Toriel blushed. "Oh is that so? You two seem to hang out a lot however." Nabstabot gave a suggestive look between the two causing Queen Toriel to blush even more. Blue on the other hand had a questioning look on his face, "Like I said, we're coworkers. The queen is amazing but I'm not into her like how you're implying. I'm very asexual and hardly ever date." Toriel nodded her head, "Y-Yes! We're only coworkers!" Nabstabot had a very sceptical look causing Blue to sigh. "Lulu, they don't believe me." Lust sat up and whined a bit, "I know. I mean, who wouldn't like you, you are super hot after all."

The others just stared at the two Sans', "Yes well I try. I care about how I present myself to others." Blue set Lust down gently and he stretched happily. "If I may know, who are you? I was unaware there was another skeleton in the underground." Toriel asked curiously as the others continued to stare at Lust. "Oh um, you can call me L!" Blue quickly added on with a smirk, "Best boyfriend in the multiverse." Lust blushed and pouted, "BB you're the best you know that!" The Star Sans simply giggled, "Hopefully soon I rank up to best father and husband!" Lust blushed brightly and the others stared confused at the two Sans'. "B-Baby we d-don't know if I am y-yet!" Nabstabot leaned into Lust's face causing him to back into Blue slightly, "So L you are Blue's boyfriend correct? Where have you been hiding all this time if we've never seen you?" Blue stepped between them and Carrot rested a hand on Lust's shoulder.

"Please don't scare him like that, he has severe social anxiety and PTSD. L and I have known each other for a few years, he's not from around here actually." Blue held back the urge to glare at Nabstabot to get away from his family, just barely but he managed to do so. "U-Um, where has he been living? I was unaware that there were more then two skeletons still alive." Toriel interjected sensing the tension between Blue and Nabstabot. Blue sighed and rubbed his temples mutter to himself in Wingdings. Lust hugged the skeleton, "You're muttering again Baby." Blue apologized sweetly and Carrot got their attention for Chara to sign to them, "It's nice to meet you L! My name is Chara and I'm mute!"

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