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Quick A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for a while but I've had little to no motivation to do anything and I have a terrible cough that makes even breathing painful. In the meantime, I noticed that this book has 2K views! Thank you all so much for reading this thing, whatever it is but it's mine. You all have left such great comments and they give me a bit of boost in mood whenever I see them so thank you. With those things out of the way, I'll let you read the actual story itself, ironic coming from someone who skips A/N's but oh well.

Blue awoke in his room on his bed with a certain skeleton resting their head on his chest. This caused Blue to smile genuinely and sweetly at them before nearly glaring at his alarm clock beside his bed. Grumbling Blue rolled onto his side, holding Lust in a comfortable position. "Hmm? Blue? What's up baby?" Lust cooed tiredly to his lover who was grumbling. "Sorry if I woke you Lulu, it's just I need to get up to do my many duties and I just." He sighed angrily hugging Lust a bit tighter as he repositioned himself so his head laid on Lust's chest. "You don't want to leave us?" Lust finished his sentence with a knowing look. "BB you were out for 5 days, I know how you feel but you'll still see me after work." Blue kept his face hidden in his lover's chest nearly falling right back asleep. Lust rubbed the slightly taller skeletons back gently, "You could always take a vacation, would that help?" Blue nodded but he grumbled once more, "But as a 'StAr SaNs' much less their leader I have to always be prepared to work and be on my guard, I can't even sleep at night without you now."

Lust nodded, understanding exactly what he meant, "And you don't trust Ink because of his memory and Dream because he's careless. While Carrot has Chara to care for and he's too lazy anyways also while you trust no one else at all. Do I have that about right?" Blue nodded, half asleep already, "Yep, exactly how it is." Lust decided to stop talking and let Blue consciously rest, and he could only hope that Blue had good dreams. After Blue fully crashed Lust sneaked out of their bed and then their room and flopped on the couch next to Carrot. "Rough few days?" Carrot asked nonchalantly, completely forgetting the entire day that the Murder Trio was in their AU. He did however know that he had to clean the house or he would probably be dusted.

Lust nodded, "Hey how old are you and Blue?" Granted Lust and Blue were the same person just different stories the AU's would differ in age and birthday sometimes. Carrot thought for a moment before answering, "He's 27 and I'm a bit younger then him at 24." Lust nodded, "Well for being under 30 he's got a really big job with a really high risk." Carrot chuckled sadly, "I know. I've tried to keep him from going to training with Alphys or take a day off from the Stars but he refused as he, 'needs to keep up appearances with Alphys or the timeline would be disturbed' and 'Ink and Dream are too stupid to even be alone much less lead a group. I trust them but I don't trust them that much' so yeah." Carrot quoted Blue and stopped speaking with a worried look on his face.

"Hey Carrot, if Blue had a child what would you do?" Lust was kind of scared for what reaction he would receive but Carrot just looked at him with pure happiness. "Blue doesn't find trust easily much less affection and even less love. He's dated before but I think he was just trying to figure out what love felt like. So if he did find someone he loved enough to have a child I would be proud. I've always wanted to be an uncle but Blue always told me that he wasn't ready to care for a new person. I think he's just scared, he's rarely ever home, and when he is he has to put up a front or he's sleeping. I think he just doesn't want to leave his child and spouse fatherless."

Lust smiled gently and leaned on his, hopefully at least, brother in laws shoulder, "So even if his spouse was someone like, say me for instance, you wouldn't care?" Carrot side hugged Lust gently, careful in case he passed any unknown boundries. "No I would care, I just wouldn't be angry. Blue knows what's best for him, and realistically me too. That and I know you now, I know that you are a kind person and if anyone told you no you would back off." Hearing such kindness and happiness in Carrots tone as well as what he said caused Lust to start crying. This in turn caused Carrot to panic as he didn't know what to do when someone cries or why Lust started crying. "W-What's wrong!? Did I hurt you!? I'm sorry if I did or if I said something-" Lust quickly hugged him and interrupted him, "I'm just so glad! You accept me and your brother and any of our possible children! I've never had anyone other then my brother support me and comfort me before so I'm just happy that I have you and Blue now!"

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