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When Blue returned to the Stars base he saw the other three asleep cuddled close to each other on the couch with the credits to a movie playing on the TV. Lust was on the outside of the pile and when Blue entered the room he sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly, "BB? Is that you?" Blue smiled as he approached Lust then kissed his forehead. "It is. Did you have fun Lulu?" Lust smiled and hugged Blue, who picked him up and sat down with Lust in his lap in Blues recliner. "I did. They were really kind to me, I enjoyed it."

Blue smiled though he started to doze. "I'm happy. You need more people you can trust." Lust cuddled as close to Blue as he could, happy to be near the one he loved. His face flushed a light pink color but Blues eyes were closed so he didn't notice, laying the recliner down. "I hope you find more people like Dream, Ink, and I. People you can trust." Lust smiled and allowed his face to flush, knowing Blues eyes were closed so he wouldn't catch onto the fact Lust liked him. "Me too BB."

Time skip brought by school and me forgetting that I'm now a writer, oops

Lust has been a Star for about a week being known as L, though he's lived with the Stars, or more spacifically Blue, for about a month. Blue goes back to his AU during the day to keep up appearences and most times Lust goes with him. L also met Error and Cross, the boyfriends to Dream and Ink. L makes sure not to get too close to them after learning that they share information and Dream and Ink now tell them false information. It has been proven that Error and Cross really do love their partner but they also value their lives so they have to tell Nightmare information.

"L watch out!" Ink shouted to Lust, an attack coming towards him from behind as he fight one of the Bad Guys. He turned around to dodge but was instead hit with it, a large wound across his chest being made, much like Genos, causing him to pass out. Before Lusts enemy could hit him again Blue had teleported Lust into Dreams arms. "You two go back to base. I have something to do here." Blue spoke in a darker tone, Dream and Ink knew this as a sign to run the fuck away. They did as they were told and teleported to Blues room in the Stars base to heal Lust.

They patched him up and healed him as best as they could with their magic before laying him in Blues bed, tucked comfortably in, before leaving the room. When they entered the living room Error and Cross were standing in the center of it, "Hey guys. Um, Blue let us go because we're dating you guys I guess?" Cross explained. Dream hugged Cross while Ink kissed Error gently, "Good. I'd hate for him to hurt you." Ink smiled. "Hurt us? Isn't that what happenes every fight?" Error questioned.

They all sat on the couch, each pair cuddling together though apart from each other. "Yeah but this time is different." Dream started. "Blue used his serious voice, meaning he will basically beat you unconsious and then spare you. He's like a mom with a chankla, terriffying." Blue was extreamly powerfull but they all knew he was too kind to dust anyone. They knew that Blue would always spare no matter who they are or what they did.

Or so they thought. Due to the fact it was Lust who was hurt Blue had actually refused to spare a couple of the not important Bad Guys, dusting them without even blinking and staring right at Nightmare. The King of darkness, or Queen in Blues mind, shook at how quickly and without restraint Blue dusted the lesser members. "Leave my AU. I would hate to have to explain what happened to somone here." Blue spoke in a calmer, darker voice, scaring the Bad Guys. "You don't care we were going to destroy it!?" Nightmare questioned. Blue shrugged, "Their all fake to me. I wouldn't care, but I have good memories here so I won't let you destroy this one. Besides Chara can reset can't she? Everything would go back to normal then."

The Bad Guys shook as Blue approached again, dusting two more lesser Bad Guys. He now stood in front of Nightmare. "I heard you have a lover. Congradulations, your "family" has a father. Could you hurry and leave now? Alphys is probably looking for me by now and she found out I spend most my time in the forest." Nightmare took a step back out of fear, no one has ever had this much confidence against him other then his own crew but even they held fear against Nightmare. Blue didn't have a trace of fear in his eyes or his voice, his normal star shaped eyelights were small circles and his voice still sounded dark and calm.

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