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Blue woke up about an hour later and walked over the railing to see Lust and Carrot talking once again and Chara was asking questions as well. Having just woken up Blue couldn't focus his eyes enough to see what Chara was signing but he figured she was asking about AU's. Blue walked down the stairs and leaned on the back of the couch where everyone was sitting, "Morning, how are the most important people in the multiverse doing?" Blue smiled at the three and yawned. "Aww BB I don't know about that but thank you." Lust blushed a faint purple and smiled at his lover while Chara giggled and Carrot smiled. "Hey yourself. How'd you sleep?" Carrot asked his brother and received a small head pat.

"I slept well thanks. Also Lulu don't doubt yourself, if you're most important in the multiverse you are because I will ensure it as the only being who can scare anyone who would dare hurt you." Blue spoke with a smile, placing his hands on Lust's and Carrot's skulls. Chara managed to kneel and gently tug on Blue's scarf to get attention before signing to him, "I've never seen you be scary before." Blue picked up the small human quickly and spun her around in a tight hug causing the humans shoulders to shake as she let out silent giggles. "Well human Chara that is a wondrous thing! I would hate for you to see me scary, I quite enjoy being an uncle so I don't think I would be as happy as I am now if you were scared of me."

Lust blushed a little more at seeing how Blue interacted with Chara. Absentmindedly he placed a hand over his mid spine with a smile, excited for what could come. Carrot stood up and hugged his family members, "You're the coolest bro." Blue smiled and shook his head, "No I'm not. You three are. You have no idea how un-cool I am and I don't really intend to let you find out." Blue smiled to the three most important people in his life, a fair amount of emotional pain showing through without him meaning for it. "Bro...Are you alright?" Carrot asked gently, keeping a hand around his brother so he couldn't escape.

Blue's brain was still lagging behind so he couldn't exactly lie or change the subject and just spoke the truth for once, "Ah. Ink tried rejecting his vials aka emotions again, Dream attempted to eat a negativity apple which would cause him to become like Nightmare, the murder trio are disrupting peaceful AU's and timelines. Error locked me in the antivoid again for a couple of hours before I escaped. Nightmare invited us three Stars to dinner to apologize for something I wiped your memories of." Blue yawned allowing the others a chance to absorb everything.

Lust quickly stood up and joined the group hug behind the couch, "BB you should take a break. At the dinner is it possible you can create a truce with the bad guys?" Blue thought for a moment, nodding his head to the sides as he processed a plan. "Hmm I could probably try and arrange something. There is a balance of good and bad that must be kept though so I can't entirely stop them from killing AU's. Core Frisk could probably help." Blue yawned again and out of curiosity that Chara just couldn't control, due to Frisk momentarily taking over her body, Chara stuck a hand in Blue's mouth. Blue to counter this kept his mouth open while the other two were shocked.

"K-Kiddo you can't just do that! It's like doing that to another human, you can make him gag and I can't clean vomit for the life of me!" Carrot explained, pulling Chara's hand from his brothers open mouth, his teal tongue showing brightly. Lust blushed slightly, knowing that this didn't affect Blue at all. "It's alright, I don't have a gag reflex. I also haven't eaten in a while so I have nothing to throw up if I could." As he said this Blue teleported a granola bar into his hand then started to eat it. Chara signed an apology and Carrot let out a relieved sigh.

Before anything more happened Blue teleported a kitchen knife in his hand before throwing it at the door, hitting the door frame with a loud, firm thud, causing the wood to splinter where it hit. "WOAH! Chill dude Jesus!" Standing with the door open Alphys raised her hands with a nervous look on her face. "Oh it's just you. Sorry thought it might have been Horror, I owe him a hunting trip." Everyone sat down, Lust in the center of the couch, Carrot on one side with Chara in his lap, and Alphys on the other side of Lust.

Meanwhile Blue pulled the knife from the door frame, proving to have thrown with the intent to kill as it took Blue pulling on it with his feet on the wall, the knife holding him up. Once he managed to free it he fell onto the ground on his back and sighed for a moment before returning the knife to the kitchen then standing in the center of the living room. Blue yawned again before speaking, "What brings you here Al?" Blue didn't bother with his normal energetic tone, in fact he didn't even bother to change his appearance as he always did causing him to have a less cuddly look to him.

Alphys shifted nervously under his tired stare, however with his appearance unchanged it looked more like a glare. "Well you missed the last few days of training so I wanted to make sure you were alright." Blue nodded, "Yeah sorry. I've been busy with my job. Speaking of someone from work is comeing by so don't flip." Almost on cue there was a knock on the door. "Come in. Fair warning Al is here." Blue responded as he teleported his recliner behind him as he fell into it. Blue crossed his legs and rested his head on his hand as the person entered the house.

Carrot instantly tensed and Chara moved closer to him sensing him tense. Nightmare walked into the house, "You couldn't get rid of her for me could you." He sighed as his tentacles swayed behind him. Blue chuckled and waved a hand, "That would be no fun, she was 'concerned for me' after all." Blue used a mocking tone when he mentioned she was concerned and Nightmare raised an eyebrow. Lust quickly gave up his spot to cuddle with Blue, needing the comfort from the fear he felt from the black octopus skeleton.

Nightmare now sat in the center of the couch, the people surrounding him staying as far from him as he could while staying on the couch. "Nice place I suppose." Nightmare said, a bit uncomfortable with this situation. "It's the same as it is in every other AU, except my room is significantly less used." Alphys was confused but refused to leave this scary guy alone with people she cared about. "Anyways I guess this is about the dinner yeah?" Lust stayed balled on his lap as Blue shifted around to give a small glare to Nightmare.

He shivered from the feeling before responding, ready to just get out of here, "Yeah. Killer said I had to come in person. I'm hosting at my castle, how many people are you bringing?" Blue hummed in thought, finding Nightmares uncomfortable position entertaining. "Well there will be me, Ink, and Dream of course. I was thinking of bringing Lulu, as well as my brother and nieces." Nightmare couldn't help but notice the fact that Blue said nieces, meaning plural. "You have more then one niece?" He blurted out. Blue didn't realize himself he said plural and apologized.

"I've barely slept my entire life so after pretty much my first night of full sleep I'm a bit out of it and say things I don't mean to. Sorry about that, I counted Frisk as my other niece." Alphys was still very confused but remained silent to avoid any attention. Meanwhile Carrot and Chara were shocked Blue even knew who Frisk was, both skeletons were born after she died after all and as far as they knew Blue wasn't aware. "I see, so you're aware then?" Nightmare asked. Blue gave a small chuckle, "I've had so many near death experiences and deaths by now yeah, I can also see and hear Frisk."

This fact intrigued Nightmare, "You can see her ghost then, interesting. Anyways now that I know how many guests there will be I'm leaving." Before more could be said Nightmare stood up and teleported away. Blue grinned and chuckled slightly, "It was hilarious seeing how uncomfortable you all were." Everyone took some insult at that but Lust spoke first, "BB your such a sadist." Blue laughed cheerfully, "That's true, I'm no better then Horror after all." With a flick of his wrist, Blue wiped Alphys' memories causing her to pass out, and teleported her back to her house on her bed.

Blue sighed after doing so, "She might still remember some of what happened, there hasn't been a RESET in a while." Lust giggled and pet Blue's skull gently, prepared for him to pass out this time. Carrot and Chara were still trying to correctly process everything, such as he can see Frisk because he's died and almost died so many times and that they had a dinner party to attend.

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