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Blue, Lust, Swap Al, and Swap Undyne hung out all night talking and watching anime. Lust shared his past(will expand on don't worry), not mentioning anything to expose the existence of AU's. The others hugged Lust and comforted him, allowing him to say "No" to anything they asked. Early in the morning the next day Blue and Lust headed to their house, leaving the two lesbos alone. (wink wink nudge nudge)

Unluckily as Blue entered the house, Lust behind him, Blue was confronted with Carrot at the door. Lust quickly hid in the bushes next to the door to hide from Carrot, "Blue where were you?" Finally Carrot spoke to Blue. Blue looked Carrot in the eyes, smiled sweetly, then turned and walked away towards the forrest. Carrot looked dumbfounded and ran after Blue, asking tons of questions.

Lust decided to follow them and knew where Blue was heading so he teleported there and waited. After a short period of time he heard yelling from below him, it was Carrot. "Blue! Come out please! I want to talk to you!" Beside Lust teleported Blue, crying lightly. Lust quickly, and quietly, hugged Blue tightly, getting a tight hug back. "Blue please!" Carrot was still shouting.

Lust rested in Blues lap as he leaned against his chest, now sideways while Blue leaned against a wall of the treehouse they were hiding in. Blue mumbled to himself but Lust heard him, "What do you mean?" Blues tears kept a steady pace as he siged and hugged Lust tightly, moving the purple blushing skeleton closer to him, "Carrot hasn't been home in a while. He's been staying with Red, one of my exes." Lust cuddled into Blue and hugged the arm that came infront of him as Blue hugged him.

They heard it go quiet then, Carrot stopped shouting and instead heard talking. Lust and Blue looked out a small window down to the ground where the talking was. "Babe it's alright, he don't know bout us and I'm still with him. I can come see you whenever and Blue won't think twice." Red was there sitting on the ground next to Carrot who was laying face down in the snow. "You said he was your ex right?" Blue nodded, "I know about them but haven't actually broke up with him yet."

Carrot rolled onto his back and the Sans' saw that Carrot was crying, "I don't like lying to him though. I mean yeah I've lied before, but not about something like this, not about dating my brothers boyfriend behind his back." Red grabbed Carrots hand. "It's ok, he won't find out! He's too nieve to realize." Carrot sat up and pulled his hand away from Reds grasp, "I know it's different in your world but you should know that I would kill for my brother. I swear he knows already! I've been avoiding him just so we don't talk about this but we have to tell him now ok Red."

Blue sighed, "I want to talk with him, can you come too? Please Lulu?" Blue asked Lust so he accepted, nodding and giving Blue a hug. They teleported infront of the other two, Blue hugging Lust from behind as he hid his face in the shorter skeletons neck. "Blue! Where were you I was so worried!" Carrot jumped up and ran towards Blue but a bone barrier stopped him from hugging Blue. "I heard your conversation with Red. You were right, I knew."

Red walked towards them and stood next to Carrot, the bone barrier dissapearing. "Are you alright BB? You don't have to force yourself." Lust turned around and looked up at Blue as he spoke. "Wait, which Sans are you?" Red nearly groweled at Lust, making him hug closer to Blue. Blue hugged Lust and picked him up, "He is my friend but thats not the topic right now. You cheated on me with my brother and tried to hide it from me." Carrot held his arm ashamed, it was true and he wouldn't deny it. Red took a step foward and Blue took one back, "I knew ever since that one time you "did it" and you thought I was asleep, Carrot should have let you know I don't sleep."

Lust listened closely to Blue, even if he was blushing like crazy, he wanted to know more about Blue. Red tried denying it, coming up with excuses while Blue gave evidence. "Red, stop tyring to deny it. Blue knows so just, drop it ok." Carrot finally spoke. Red finally went quiet and stepped back next to Carrot, letting Blue step forward. Lust adjusted himself so Blue held him bridal style. (Just like casually does that, my friend does that XD.)

Carrot had tears falling freeling, "Blue I'm sorry, really I am." Blue sighed and slowly started to walk towards them. "I'll forgive you on one condition." Red hid behind Carrot as Blue approached them, "Of cource! Anything Blue!" Carrot lept at the oportunity. Blue stopped a few steps away from them, holding Lust who was shaking out of fear from the two. "Tell the others to be nice to Lust and his AU. You don't konw what that AU went through. Also I want at least you Carrot, to be kind to Lulu deal?" Carrot nodded excitedly, "Deal!"

Blue gently set Lust down, as Red grumbled a "fine whatever." Blue smiled, his tears no longer falling, "Good because I need to do something while you watch him." Blue pushed Lust towards Carrot then teleported away. Carrot caught Lust, "Hey you alright?" Lust was wearing different clothes but he didn't think no one would notice it was him. Lust nodded, "Y-Yeah thanks Carrot." Red put a hand on Carrot then they appeared on the couch in their home.

"So what's your name and AU then?" Red asked directly. Lust backed into the couch, "U-Um well y-you see-" Blue appeared in front of them, "Sorry! I forgot to mention L doesn't like talking about his AU because a lot happened there that wasn't really good." Lust jumped up and hugged Blue tightly. Red looked at the ground, "Ah um, s-sorry? I'm not used to appoligizing so don't take it personally L." Carrot smiled at Lust. "We're going to bed now ok? Please try to stay quiet." The two blushed as Blue and Lust teliported into a bedroom that wasn't Blues.

"This is my room at the Star Sans' base, I just needed away from them for a bit." Blue layed on his bed, over the blankets and Lust looked around. "What did you need to do by the way?" Blue hummed. "Oh, I was letting Ink and Dream know I would be staying here for a while that's all." Lust yawned making Blue giggle. Blue moved so he was no longer in the center of the bed and instead more off to a side. Lust climbed under the blankets and cuddled up to Blue.

Blue giggled, "Lulu you don't have to cuddle into me, I won't leave you!" Lust layed still for a moment, his face burried into Blues rib cage, "I know Blue, it's just...How do I know for sure?" Lust looked up to Blues eyes, the star Sans could see sadness in his eyes, as well as that thing that slightly terrified him. Blue could see the pain and hurt Lust felt, and the thing that terrified him was that Lust, didn't want to live anymore.

Blue was the only thing keeping Lust alive right now so Blue hugged Lust, "You win. I wouldn't go anywhere anyways Lulu, I promise. I will always be there for you when you need me." Lust hugged Blue tightly, crying lightly, before dozing off, "I...love you..." Blue held Lust tightly and smiled. "I know Lulu. I love you too." Blue kissed Lusts forehead before managing to get under the blankets with Lust still attached to him and hold him tighly.

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter then the other one but It's still more then 1000 words! I wrote this all in less then like 5 hours so I appoligize for any misteaks. Love you all!

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