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A/N: Sorry I've been gone for so long life just kind of hit me like a train wreck so I haven't wanted to write in a while. My nocturnalness has kicked in though so have a little bit of a longer chapter for the long wait! Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

It took nearly a full hour for Papyrus and Chara to fully process just how much Blue was hiding from them. Lust and Blue were passed out cuddling on the recliner Blue teleported in earlier. Deciding that Blue really needed the sleep the two decided to ask Al and Undyne for some fashion advice for the dinner. Needless to say, there was a fashion show, Carrot shutting down any outfits that showed any amount of skin on Chara but could care less about what he wore, at one point strutting in a crop top and skirt adding a little twirl to send it.

The girls all cheered for him, noticing his bright orange blush but still proud of their skele-stoner. Time seemed to fly by and Lust knocked on the door, "Hey um, it's time to go now. BB is waiting out here." Lust blushed faintly, slightly nervous about the dinner as well. Carrot and Chara got dressed and walked outside, Carrot carrying his beloved daughter lovingly. They had just so happened to match, all of them wearing black suits and dresses, Lust and Chara wearing the suits and swap bros wearing the dresses, just because they could and fuck gender stereotypes.

Al and Undyne waved at them and with a quick flash they teleported outside of Nightmare's castle. Everyone was pretty scared and nervous of the dark castle and all the negative emotion flowing from it. Well everyone but Blue who walked straight through the gate once the Papyrus guards opened it then into the castle. He quickly dodged an attack that Dust shot from one of his blasters and Lust blushed a little at seeing Blues underwear when he front flipped over the laser.

Dust quickly left the room and the guests were led to the dining hall, because why wouldn't Nightmare have one. Nightmare and Killer were waiting at the table casually talking to one another but turned towards the door when it opened. He didn't blink twice when he saw their outfits, "Please have a seat. My dumbass brother and the other soulless idiot have yet to arrive." Carrot and Lust chose a seat and sat down, Carrot sitting Chara in his lap so she could see everyone. Blue however stayed at the door and bowed slightly, a hand over his rib cage, "I have to go get them, Ink has no memory and Dream isn't any better."

With a wave of his hand Nightmare sent Blue away, allowing him to use his own magic to teleport away. "I won't hurt any of you so don't look so worried." Nightmare huffed a little as he leaned back in his throne at the head of the table. Just to his right was Carrot and Chara and Lust beside them. To his left also at the head of the table was Killer, "He's calmed down a lot don't worry. Not to mention he won't try anything with me here or to anger Blue." Killer gave a smile to the guests and they all calmed down a little.

Chara gently knocked on the table and signed to the Dark King, "You're Nightmare right? What do you do?" Her curiosity was peaked and shone through her ruby eyes. Honestly Frisk was just as excited and curious, having also been teleported with them and watching over Chara. Nightmare gave a small smile to the small child, "I control negativity. My brother Dream controls positivity. It's better to say we're just guardians though." Slowly he reached over and gently pet Chara's head. Carrot was reluctant but relaxed when he saw how gentle Nightmare was being with Chara.

"So I take it you really like kids." Carrot spoke, a little shaky but trying to make small talk. Killer giggled and Nightmare blushed a bright teal. "I do. I wouldn't be having a kid if I didn't like kids." Nightmare pouted a little and the three guests relaxed fully, maybe the truce would really work. Abruptly they heard shouting in wingdings. Everyone instantly recognized it as Blues voice though he only spoke in wingdings when around someone and didn't want them to understand, the only exception being any skeleton of course. "What the heeeeeck is going on out there?" Nightmare stood and went to the doorway to see what was happening, the room being too far to understand what was being said though it was obviously nothing good.

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