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Hello! I wanted to start this chapter by saying thank you so much for all the love you guys have for my story! I am a bit concerned as I have no hate comments and I know nothing is perfect, hehe. Once more, thank you for all the love you guys and galls! Please, if you have any requests for a story I should write or something you want to see happen in this story I would be happy to fulfill that request! I love you all and enjoy this chapter!

The next morning Lust awoke to Blue holding him tightly, Blues head resting gently on Lusts chest and his arms around Lusts mid-torso. This made Lust blush a light purple as he pet Blues head gently, admiring the sleeping form of the slightly taller skeleton balled up on Lust. This made Lust think that perhaps Blue didn't like to be seen as weak and that's why he was normally up before Lust and already doing something. Lust had only seen Blue asleep once or twice during their entire friendship. He had even seen Blue working out a couple of mornings stating that he always works out after he wakes up.

Blue was always so cute and innocent but he looked different when he slept soundly like this. He looked calm and peaceful as he would often be tense and on guard all the time when awake. Blue also had no shirt on and his upper ecto body summoned to keep from sweating while he slept under the blanket all night. This allowed Lust to see just how powerful Blue was, tracing every line and muscle on Blues body with his eyes, blushing more the longer he stared. Blues innocent face looked calm and not as innocent as it did when he was awake, it had a bit of a tougher, stronger, form to it. This was when Lust realized that Blue faked his appearance quite a lot, making his form look more innocent and naive than he really was, making him look weaker than he was. Lust also noticed the slight strain Blues voice had when he spoke especially when he had to yell at Dream or Ink or at the end of the day near bedtime.

At this point Blue started to stir and move around, carefully and gently assuming Lust was still asleep. Lust closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep to see if he was right about the pretending. Blue sat up and stretched, yawning, before turning around and kissing Lust gently. He laid on his stomach beside Lust and admired the purple skeleton, watching him with love and admiration in his eyes. Blue laid his head down and sighed lovingly, "Morning Lulu. I hope you slept well." Lust still pretended to sleep, wondering if Blue really knew he was up or not.

Luckily it looked like he didn't as he stood up and recovered Lust with the blanket before moving to the closet and searching through it. Lust shifted onto his stomach, slightly opening one of his eyes to watch Blue who was looking at him after hearing him shift. Blue looked back at the closet and took off his PJ pants, throwing them in a hamper. Lust blushed more but continued watching his crush change, noticing Blue shiver from the cold and summon more of his ecto body to help keep him warm. Even his legs and arms showed they were strong, Lusts eyes mostly watching his rear end.

After Blue had put on his battle body with a skin suit under it to keep him warm, Lust snuck up on Blue and hugged him from behind, "You look really good BB." Blue turned his head back to Lust and smiled then turned his body around, hugging Lust back tightly but careful of his wound, "I'm glad you're alright." Lust shivered, the cold hitting him now that he wasn't under the blanket, and summoned his ecto body to warm him up, the PJs becoming fit to his body now instead of loose. A light blush appeared on Blues face as he gently let go of Lust and searched through their closet once more.

Blue grabbed a good change of clothes for Lust and handed them to him, to which Lust decided to take off his PJs in front of Blue, showing his purple ecto body that was thinner like a females body and had lines in his skin, scattered and random. Above where his soul sat on his chest Lust had a tattoo of a semicolon, the symbol used by those who struggle with depression, suicide, addiction, and/or self-injury. Noticing this Blue grabbed both Lusts shoulder, stopping him from continuing changing, "Lulu why do you have a tattoo of a semicolon?" 

Lust didn't think about it, forgetting what he had done to his body so he looked to his side, "I-I forgot I had that. I-I don't summon my body much anymore." Tears started falling from Lusts eyes, "I-I used to cut, that's why I h-have th-these lines in my b-body. E-Everyone in my AU i-is addicted to sex, d-drugs, and alcohol." Lusts crying became heavier, as did his stuttering. Blue hugged Lust gently, a few tears falling onto Lusts shoulder, "I'm glad you're still around Lulu. I could tell since I met you that you didn't want to live, but you were too scared to die. I'm here for you, so is Ink and Dream even Error and Cross. Please Lulu, don't leave me. I love you, please don't go."

Lust hugged Blue back tightly, nuzzling into the slightly tallers neck and Blue picking him up carefully, grabbing the shirt from Lusts hand. "I-I won't BB. I p-promise, I-I love you t-too, I won't g-go." Blue smiled gently as Lust leaned away slightly to put on his shirt. They both left Blues room, Lust being carried by Blue his tears slowing. The others were not awake yet or at least not in the living room so Lust continued to stay attached to Blue, snuggling into him comforted by him.

Sorry for such a short chapter! I have no idea where I want the story to go so feel free to suggest things if you want! Sorry that this chapter was a bit depressing as well, I will try to make the next chapter a bit happier. Maybe a triple date with Cream, Erroink, and Lustberry? No one knows, not even me! I will ask this of you guys though, what do you want in the next chapter? A: Smut (my go-to ironically) B: A date C: Blue confesses about his true self D: Hanging out in Underswap E: Y I S (All of the above)

Thank you all for reading! I really love all your praise and love for this story! I love you all, and throwing this out there, I am here if you need to talk about anything. You can private message me if you wish, I am surprisingly a great therapist. I love you all, remember someone cares and needs you!

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