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I'm bored so I have decided to write, meaning this chapter won't come out a month after the last one.  I also got excited with all the love you guys have given me and the heartwarming things you have said!  2 out of 3 people I saw who voted said Y I S so a bit of everything will be coming your way this chapter and perhaps next as well. Love you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the others!

Blue had made breakfast for the others before teleporting into Underswap. "BB? What are we doing, we didn't eat yet." Lust had calmed down and was no longer crying, he was also walking beside Blue, hand in hand. Blue chuckled sweetly, "It's a surprise just for you!" This got Lust excited so he stopped talking and followed Blue as he was pulled along gently.  Once they reached Waterfall Blue lead Lust to a little hidden away area near the water edge. 

"It's so beautiful here..." Lust stared in awe at their surroundings while Blue laid down a blanket onto the grass and teleported a basket next to it. "Want some breakfast now Lulu? I made your favorite!" Lust sat next to Blue on the blanket as they ate a picnic breakfast, with Lusts favorite waffles in the multiverse. Once they finished eating and putting the dishes back in the basket Lust laid down, resting his head in Blues lap. He was happy, all bad thoughts a million universes away.

"BB can I ask you something?" Lust stared up at Blues face, watching how he moved and behaved, entranced by his beauty. Blue nodded as he smiled down at Lust, gently caressing the sides of his face. "I don't want to sound mean but, are you the real you? Or do you act? Because when you were sleeping you looked so different." Blue thought for a moment before nodding lightly, "You caught me Lulu. Yeah, I put up an act." Lust smiled up at Blue gently, "Could I see the real you?"

Blue smiled back, "Sure I guess. This act is a bit difficult to pull off 24/7." The skeleton closed his eyes and breathed, "I'm...I'm a bit nervous to tell you. I don't want you to leave me and not even Carrot, Ink, or Dream know I put up an act. Please don't tell anyone." Lust sat up and looked at Blue, grabbing his hands gently, "I won't tell a soul. I swear to you." Blue sighed and blinked his eyes, the teal star eye lights becoming white dots. Blue smiled nervously and spoke in a more adult-sounding voice, not as naive and innocent, "Here you go Lulu, the real me. Go ahead and ask questions I guess."

"Ok! Um, you leave a lot and won't let us Stars know where or why, what do you do?" Lust moved beside Blue and hugged him from his side, Blue placing his arm above Lust hugging him back like that. "Please don't fear me when I say this but, I go to a different AU and dust monsters. I don't have a real reason other than I enjoy it though." Lust sat in thought before hugging Blue tighter, "Really? I don't have anything against that, as long as you don't hurt me but I trust you." Blue blushed a light teal and nuzzled the top of Lusts head, "I love you Lulu, so, so, so much." This phrase made Lust blush back in a bright purple as he hid his face in Blues shirt.

The two sat and talked for a little while longer then went to Blues house where they cuddled on the couch watching whatever Nabstabot was doing. "His shows are so boring. I've already seen them all anyways, many times over." Blue mostly talked to himself. Lust smiled at his goofy boyfriend, his confidence returning a bit, but only for Blue, "Want to watch a different show?" Lust made sure to add a noticeable flirty tone to his voice that Blue recognized instantly. Blue sat up, holding Lust against his chest between his legs, "Oh? What kind~" Lust blushed brightly as he had never actually been flirted back to. Blue picked up Lust and headed towards his room, "Carrot messaged me earlier saying he's staying at Reds to make sure Edge doesn't dust him. We have all night alone~"

Reaching his room Blue set Lust on his bed and closed his bed, never taking his eyes off the purple skeleton that was fidgeting. "Lulu are you alright? You know we don't have to do anything if you don't want to." Blue kneeled in front of Lust with a concerned look on his face, "No I'm fine BB, it's just do you want to? I don't want to rape you or anything..." Blue chuckled as he hugged Lust around his waist, "Don't worry about me Lulu, I wanted to do this with you almost since we met." Lust blushed more as he smiled and pet Blues head, "I'll let you take the lead then. My safe word is pineapple." Blue let go of Lust and gently rubbed Lusts legs, "Why pineapple?" Lust took off his shirt and shivered, "I'm allergic to pineapple."

Smut start

Blue took off Lusts pants and started gently licking his lower spine, "That makes sense." With every lick Lust shuddered, trying to hold back his body to make things more entertaining but in the end failed as a member formed near Blues face. "Looks like I found my dinner for tonight~" Blue grabbed it gently and started jerking Lust off. Lusts face turned a brighter purple as he moaned quietly, Blues gentle hands treating his member with care but continuing to speed up their strokes with each of Lusts moans.

Abruptly Blue licked the tip of the member making Lust jolt and moan loudly, "Aw Lulu you must be really backed up. You're really sensitive~" Blue licked the entire length of Lusts member before kissing the tip sweetly. "B-Blue..." Lust hid his face as he grew embarrassed, his full nude body on show for Blue. The mentioned skeleton continued what he was doing but looked at Lust, showing he was listening. "I-I want you...C-Can you strip too?" Lust felt very self-conscious being the only one with any clothing off.

Blue smiled and stopped jerking Lust before fully stripping and summoning his body. Blues body also had a few lines in his skin only these were from muscles showing how strong he was. Blue was practically Lusts dream guy, strong, trustworthy, protective, sweet, gentle, caring, all thing Blue was. Lust stood up and hugged Blue, kissing him roughly. Blue returned the kiss with just as much roughness as Lust used, all the while their members rubbed together. "I-I want you in" Lust barely stammered out through the kiss. Blue broke the kiss and went for Lusts neck, pushing them onto the bed.

"You're sure?" Blue wanted this but he wanted to make sure Lust was fully satisfied as well. Lust nodded and laid on his stomach, turning his head to look at Blue, "Please Blue. I love you" Blue lined himself up and started kissing Lusts back and neck before thrusting his full length in. Lust moaned and screamed when the large member entered him, the pain being stronger than the pleasure, "It hurts" Blue continued kissing Lust, staying still to comfort Lust and let the skeleton adjust. After a while Lust gave a small buck before nodding to Blue to tell him he could move again.

Blue started moving slowly at first, laying kisses all up and down Lusts back, but before long Blue was thrusting as fast and as hard as he could into Lust who was moaning in pleasure, the pain no longer being felt. They both climaxed rather quickly but continued going, not slowing or stopping as they went round after round until both passed out of exhaustion and pure pleasure overdose.

End of smut

The two skeletons awoke to Alphys bursting into the room, making the skeletons both jolt into a sitting position, "Oh thank Toriel! I didn't know where you were Blue and I was so worried," Alphys started ranting about how she was worried. Blue spoke, interrupting but quieting the lizard dino thing, "Alphys, we can talk later. I need you to leave my room so we can change please." Al noticed their situation and blushed, "Sorry Blue! I didn't know, I'll be in the living room waiting for you!" She left the room and closed the door behind her, her footsteps growing distant as she walked downstairs. 

"Everything hurts, how many rounds did we do?" Lust rubbed his pelvis, the pain all coming back now. Blue laid back down and thought for a moment, "I don't know but we went until about midnight I think. We need to shower and get dressed." Lust nodded as the two stood up and went to the shower off Blues room.

After the two showered and changed they went downstairs where they saw Alphys sleeping on the couch. Blue threw a bone at her head, weakly, waking her up, "Morning! Sorry I woke you guys up." Blue waved his hands, "It's alright! You were just worried, I understand. Anyways did you need anything else?" Alphys sat up and the two skeletons sat on the couch beside her, "Yeah actually. Is it alright if I tell Undyne about AUs? You know she has a whole theory about it and everything." Lust looked at Blue and leaned onto his shoulder, grabbing onto his arm loosely, "I suppose as long as only you and her know alright. Don't let the others find out, I don't know how they would react." Blue calmly spoke, his innocent act was up however he was far quieter and calmer than he normally was with this voice.

Done! Today was a really productive day for me apparently. I made a youtube video, exported two, posted both, and made this chapter. Sorry if  I messed up some spelling or grammar or something, English is not easy for me and it's my first language. I do hope you all enjoyed, I love you all!!

(PS-Shameless self-promotion, my youtube channel is Gacha_Food_Junkie or this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc-rEprV2lNWBTzTvVzMZQg. I currently only have shorts and memes but I will work on AU stories eventually.)

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