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Alphys and Undyne were sad as they got a bit of explanation about his AU but Edge and Red were angry and concerned for their boyfriend's brother. "He is literally LUST! He is the biggest slut and pervert in the entire multiverse!" Red was fuming. Edge was visibly angry but figured Red could handle it and was petting Carrot's head to keep him asleep and calm Edge down. Undyne avoided the conflict as she sat next to Blue and hugged the two Sans' while Alphys tried to make Red stop yelling. In the end, it was Blue who shut them up.

"SHUT IT" Blue shouted out in a dark-toned voice making everyone shut up and sit back down in their spots, mostly Alphys and Red who were about to throw magic. This also woke up Carrot and Lust from their slumber. "BB? What's wrong you don't use that voice around others..." Lust sat upright and rubbed his sockets. Blue smiled and kissed his forehead, "Sorry to wake you Lulu. Red was just concerned for my safety is all, with those fake rumors of you and all. Edge was smart and stayed quiet though." Blue quickly shot the fell brothers a glare with his eye glowing lightly before smiling back at lust.

"Anyways like I told you guys, he's not a pervert. Lulu may be from Lusttale but he was just a dancer, he was a virgin and he knows when no means no. In fact, when we first became friends and hung out for the first time he refused to let me go to his AU and he stayed out of the rooms and stayed only in the living room and kitchen. He was scared to hurt me or try anything with me, he hasn't flirted with Undyne or Alphys or anyone else while here. The only reason he does is that in his AU it's basically if you don't flirt or fuck you will be killed." Blue explained as Lust hugged him tightly,  thankful he wouldn't need to explain again and that Blue was willing to protect him.

Alphys continued, "Not to mention that a serial rapist is what made everyone like that in the first place. No one deserves that." Undyne joined in the conversation adding some science into the very emotional discussion, "Well for many sex can be addictive, whether it was by choice or not. It's not hard to believe that it was made law, especially if the ruler is corrupt or just that addicted to it." Carrot quickly got out from between Edge and Fell and hugged Lust and Blue, "I'm so sorry L! I didn't even try to hear you out I was just worried for Blue, I'm so sorry!" Lust hugged Carrot back happily. He wasn't as hated anymore, he had friends and his boyfriend's brother accepts him.

Red grumbled out an apology at which Edge smacked the back of his head. Both of them apologized correctly and Lust forgave them. Blue smiled as he watched them all interact together friendly, happy they're all getting along. Carrot suddenly addressed Blue then, "Blue are you ok? You're crying what's wrong?" Everyone was facing away from Blue so they didn't notice until now. Blue smiled as he wiped a tear, "I'm alright, just really happy is all!" They all smiled then Undyne asked another question to get back on track. "How m-many AU's are th-there?" Edge answered this one as he was trying to become nicer, "Hm there is a lot I know that much. Blue would know better than any of us would as he's a part of the Star Sans' however."

Red smiled and hugged Edge, "You're too professional bo-Edge." Blue thought for a bit before answering the question in a bored tone, "I don't know exact numbers but there are more than 2,000 AU's" Everyone gasped with their mouth wide open, even the other Sans' and Papyrus'. Who knew there so many AU's after all!? After they all talked some more Blue spoke up, "I'm really sorry but I need to go. There is a Stars meeting soon and I'm needed there the most. L also needs to come with me as he's a part of them now." They all understood as they learned that the Stars do consist of more than Sans' now and Blue was the father of the group as when he spoke they all listened. They also learned that the Bad Sans' are probably less chaotic than the Stars. "Be safe bro, I know I'm technically a Star but I just watch AU's, I don't know who all is there and someone might hurt you." Carrot showed his concern and Lust chuckled as he knew Blue was in no danger. "Don't worry Carrot! They're all in more danger than I am~"

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