#2 - Here's to turning 18

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~The next day~

"Shouldn't you look a little happier considering it's our birthday tomorrow?" Seokjin's voice immediately snaps me out of my peaceful daydreaming.

I tend to daydream a lot - even in lessons. It's really bad, but I can't help it. Not my fault I get bored to death.

Both of us are stood next to the lockers and opposite one of our classrooms, waiting to be let inside. I assumed I would be waiting by myself, but sadly my peacefulness has been disturbed by this idiot.

"Shouldn't you be dying somewhere?"

Jin sighs in amusement, folding his arms whilst leaning his shoulder against the lockers.

"And leave you all by yourself in peace?" He laughs to himself. "I would never do that to you Tara, don't worry."

Scrunching my face up, I glance at him stood next to me when I realise what he said earlier.

"Wait. Did you just say our birthday?"


"I think that's the first time you've ever referred to it as our birthday."

"And what makes you say that?"

"Because it's never our birthday Jin. It's always your birthday. And I'd like to keep it that way."

"But it is our birthday." He says in an obvious tone.

"Not to you it's not." I force a smile before walking into class. Groaning, I hear him follow from behind into the classroom.

It's true what I said: to him, and I don't blame him, no-one else matters on his birthday except himself. And basically every single day. But mainly his birthday.

It's not like I'm asking for much, just a 'happy birthday Tara' will do. And it's not like he's ever forgotten it because I know he hasn't.

Maybe he's salty that I'm technically older than him. I was born in the morning and him in the afternoon. Just a few hours difference between us never felt so good.

"Hey Jin! It's your birthday tomorrow, right?" One of the girls tilts her head and wonders.

Jin looks up as he sits down and nods. I scoff sitting down in my seat next to the girl. Yes, I sadly have to sit next to her in one of my lessons. And our seats are in front of Jin's seat. He sits by himself at the back with no partner, and he's lucky as hell.

"Who do you think your arrow will point to?" She asks in curiosity.

I hear Jin sigh in annoyance. At least we have something else in common other than our birthdays: we do not like Chunhei.

"I don't know Chunhei. And before you say it: no, I don't think it'll point at you."

My lips slowly curve into a smile.

"You never know Jin! Your soulmate could be anyone. Someone that you wouldn't expect." She tries reasoning with him.

Even though I don't like the girl, she has a point. Spinning around in my chair, I lay my eyes on Jin. His eyes land on me too and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Chunhei's right Jin: it could be anyone your arrow points to. And I for one really hope it points at Chunhei." Smiling in satisfaction I watch Jin scowl from my words.

Chunhei turns to me in delight. "Really? You think so too Tara?"

Forcing a smile on my face, I nod. "I can definitely see you two making such a cute couple. You guys should hang out more. You know, if your arrow does end up pointing to her."

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