#17 - Together

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Jin's POV

"So that's why you took so long." With a smirk Jimin leans his arm on one of the infrastructures in the park, wiggling his eyebrows. "You two were getting busy."

My mouth drops open. "We were not getting bu-" I cut myself off to attempt to calm down and not slap the sass out of him.

I ended up telling the three idiots here why Tara and I were a little late in arriving at the park itself. Obviously I didn't tell them the details because...they don't need to know that. And it would get very awkward very fast.

"Look, all we did was kiss a little. That's it."

"A little?" Jungkook raises an eyebrow and laughs. "By the way you and Tara are reacting, it clearly wasn't just a 'little' kiss."

"And how would you know? You've never kissed anyone before." I shrug with a little pout, folding my arms across my chest.

Jungkook scoffs in offense. "How do you know I haven't?"

"Because you haven't." Taehyung straight up tells him, patting his shoulder. "And the fact that you're trying to convince us you have is just embarassing."

Jimin slaps his hand across his mouth to shield his bitter sweet giggles, whilst Jungkook shoots all three of us a glare.

"Anyway," Jungkook says through gritted teeth, turning to face me. "I thought the two of you were fake dating. What happened to that?"

Sighing, I shrug helplessly whilst looking at all three of them. "I don't know. I guess we still are fake dating."

This 'kiss' was never supposed to happen. We didn't exactly plan it to happen, it just happened. Therefore the deal to pretend to a couple is still on the table.

"You know, I had a feeling this would happen." With his hand on his chin and other arm draped around his torso, Taehyung stares at his surroundings whilst thinking to himself. "As soon as you told us she's your 'fake girlfriend' I knew something was off. That something would happen between the two of you. Guess my assumption was right."

I can't even argue back or defend myself, because he is right. Something did happened between us. Whether it'll happen again I'm not so sure.

"Look, even though we didn't plan for that to happen nothing has changed. We're still fake dating and she's still my fake girlfriend. None of it is real." I clarify, looking at all three of them.

As I'm speaking I don't even notice the hesitant footsteps drawing closer behind me. I catch Jimin's eyes widening and then looking back at me, indicating with his eyes to turn around.

Realising what and who he means, I eventually turn around to be greeted with the main girl of our conversation.

She's holding her robe in her hand along with her phone, and I'm assuming our clothes are in our hotel room drying.

"Well, we'll be over there." Pointing towards the water park, Jungkook pulls Taehyung and Jimin away from two of us and quickly run over back to the water.

Tara sets her things down on one of the chairs and hesitantly walks back over to me. I can sense the tension in the air, which is weird because there never normally is.

"Wanna join them?" She suggests, indicating her head over to the water park where my three cousins currently are.

With a little nod, I clench my hands together slightly. "Okay."

Man, this tension is a pain in the ass.

As the two of us walk towards the water area where all the infrastructures and slides are, I find the floor becoming more slippery by the second from all the water around.

For Life - Kim Seokjin ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now