#12 - Sabotage

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"There. You're fed. Happy now?" Jin's bored voice flows in my ear as he watches me happily eat the food they finally brought out.

After gulping down the last part of my drink I breathe out a big sigh, before nodding. "Very."

Jin slumps in his seat, resting his chin on his hand and gazing at the area around him. We're sat on the front table, with Seokjoong and Ahreum, along with both their parents.

And also, sadly, Chunhei. She's been glaring at us eating ever since we sat down. The answer to that is pretty obvious since we both know she saw us dancing together.

"Is it me or has she not blinked once?" I murmer to Jin, glancing at the girl.

"At this rate she's most likely sleeping with her eyes open." Jin whispers back, shuddering a little.

Jin's cousins, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook then come over to our table. They look excited when approaching us with their eyes on Jin.

"Hyung, we found a photo booth! Let's go!" Taehyung begs, tugging on his sleeve.

Nodding in approval Jin stands to his feet, adjusting his suit around his body. Whilst he goes I need to find some sort of entertainment. Maybe I can go find Juda to talk to, Jungkook's mother. 

Before Jin leaves he glances down at me and tilts his head. I ignore him and scan my eyes around for Juda. Her table shouldn't be far from ours.

However I become startled when I feel something drop on my legs. They instantly start to become warmer, and I look down to see a black blazer sitting neatly on them.

"Spill anything on it and I'll kill you." I look up to see Jin standing there, blazerless.

Don't say that, because now I want to spill something on it.

And then, he walks off behind me with the boys towards wherever this photo booth is. After a few seconds they've already dissapeared out of the venue.

I blink, looking down at Jin's blazer on my legs. Sighing I tug it up a little, feeling better that my legs aren't getting colder by the second.

My head looks back up and I jolt in my seat a little when Chunhei's glare has only hardened.

Clearing my throat I looking around to avoid eye contact. I'm terrible at holding eye contact with someone. It makes it awkward when that eye contact is with someone you hate.

For example: Chunhei.

Another example: Seokjin.

I must say however: before, Jin was definitely winning that race. But now he's fallen behind, and Chunhei has taken his spot.

Finally I spot Juda talking to Jimin's mother, her older sister. I'm about to stand when my view of her is suddenly blocked by someone else.

Looking up, my expression drops when I notice who it is. "Do you mind?"

Chunhei laughs in amusement, folding her arms. "What's wrong? Am I blocking your view of the door, to see when Jin's coming back?"

I scoff. "Wow, you're really obsessed with him aren't you? Who said I was looking for Jin?"

"I'm not obsessed - I'm just better for him than you. He treats you like crap and yet you're still relying on that pathetic arrow on your wrist." She nods her head towards it.

Then she steps closer. "Personally, I think the whole system is bullshit. Why should an arrow decide who you spend your life with? Why can't you just choose?"

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