💙Goggles x S4🧡🩷🩵💜

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A/N (I know I said I would do AU requests but I've been working on this one for 3 days so bare with me. Also this is suppose to be a continuation from the S4 x Specs chapter and Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over *sips coffee* Alright narrator do your thing or you're fired!)

(Narrator: *ahem* Y-Yes mam. *scared to death*)

Narrator's pov

It's been a week since S4 "tortured" (wink wink) Glasses and now that they know about Goggles having a crush on one of them, they needed a plan on how to make Goggles tell them which one of them he has a crush on during their meeting but, there was one problem.

Aloha: How about we-?

The rest of them: NO ALOHA!!!

Aloha: Aw come on! It worked on Glasses, even though the little blueberry was a bit very persistent.

Army: For the last coddamn time Aloha! We all agreed to not use that interrogation method again.

Aloha stuck his tongue out along with a thumbs down. So let me explain, ever since the previous part, after S4 were finished with specs and dropped him off in his room. They all agreed to never use the tickling interrogation method again because it was..."too cute". Even if they decided to neglect the method S4 couldn't hide the fact that it was really fun for them, they couldn't forget how adorable Specs was struggling and giggling at the same time, they couldn't even forget the amount of giggles and laughter that he filled the room with that night.

Mask: You knooowww, now that you have me thinking about iiiit. I don't think it's a bad idea anymoooorree.

Army: What the-?!... but-

Skull: Actually, Mask has a point Army. I've thought about it as well and I think we should try the method again but, with Goggles this time.

Aloha: Besides what could possibly go wrong with it Army?

It was a 3 against 1 on this argument and Army horribly lost to it, so he gave in and agreed.

Army: A-Alright but, I swear if anything goes wrong we all know who to blame.

And guess who he looked at when he said that....

(Imma give you a hint it's nickname is 'The Pink Idiot'. (Lmfao sorry ;u;)

Skull: Enough you two. Now, Aloha you what to do.

Aloha grinned mischievously at those words.

Aloha: Right, I'll start making a batch right now. Hahahahaha!

Aloha got up and skipped away to make his homemade, colorful, cupcake scented,....sleeping gas bombs.

Mask and Skull left afterwards, leaving Army by himself.

Army: Tch, guess I need to get ready....*mind* I have a bad feeling about this.

Time skip (3 hours later)
Now to look at what's happening with the goofy blueberry. It was late and Goggles was about to head home after team practice, he thought about what Glasses told him earlier today.

Goggles: Hey Glasses, you look a little shaky today. Did something happen?

Glasses slightly blushed after hearing Goggle's question.

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