🧡🩷🩵💜S4 x Team Emperor💛👑

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Hey peeps i am back from the toaster with a new for -Steamde- ok i'ma be a pop tart until then BACK TO THE TOASTER WITH ME!!!🙂 and Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

Narrators p.o.v.
It was a warm day in Inkopolis square as we see the S4 come out of Deca Tower....with a pissed Aloha.

Aloha: Goddamnit!!! That's the fifth match we've lost against Team Emperor.

Mask: Because you wouldn't stop trying to challenge Eging jr. like an idiot.

Aloha: Oh shut the hell up cyan boi.

Army: Enough! Both of you did something idiotic.

Army had an irritated look on his face, while Aloha and Mask were still arguing with each other. Skull was getting ready to leave all three of them alone, until he heard a laugh.

Emperor: ahahaha! Now now Skully, you didn't think we would let you off that easy did you?

Skull: Shit

Before he could start running, he got knocked out from behind by Emp as the rest of his team stood behind him with the rest of the S4 in their arms.

*Time skip* :)

The S4 woke up to find themselves shirtless, shoeless and their hands were tied above their heads, with duct tape over their mouths.

Emperor: Oh goody, you're awake hehe.

Skull: Mmmphmmmph (What have you done to us? Why are we tied up?

Emperor: Hmhm, oh nothing, just decided to give you 4 a little punishment.

Army: Mmmmphmmphmph (Punishment? What punishment? What are you going to do to us?)

Emperor: Oh you'll love it very very much.....Oh and by love it I mean hate it hahahaha.

The S4 began to struggle violently try to break free from the tape. Each team member was assigned to a different S4 member. Emperor went behind Skull, N-pacer went in front of Army, Eging went behind Aloha, and Prince went in front of Mask.

Emperor: Now then, let's have our little fun shall we?

Team Emperor began tickling the S4 in the worst parts ever. They could still hear their muffled screams and laughter through the tape, as the torture felt like hell.

*Time Skip* (20 minutes later)

Emperor: Now that was fun but I think neither of you learned your lesson have you?

Emp removed the tape from their mouths.

Skull: Look Emperor, we don't know what we did, but we're sorry, ok. So let us go. Please!

Emperor: Oh, you did nothing wrong. You guys are known as the strongest players in Inkopolis and you lost to us a bunch of times, so I'll let you guys loose when you don't laugh.

S4: WHAT!?

Emperor: Now then, let's start up again, shall we?

Team Emperor began to tickle the S4 again the boys tried to hold in their laughter but...failed.

Army: Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha i can't take it hahahahahahaha it's too much!!!!

Aloha: Hahahahahahaha Stop it please hahahahahahaha it tickles!!!

Mask: Hahahahahahaha No! Hey! Hahahahahahaha Stop that!!!

Skull: Hahahahahahaha Stop it hahahaha I don't like being tickled! Hahahahahahaha!!!

*Time Skip* (2 hours later)

The S4 were almost out of breath from the tickling.

Emperor: *Sigh* You're still failing S4, but don't worry I have a little something that'll fix you 4 right up.

Emperor gave N-pacer and Eging a nod that made them put the S4's ankles in ankle restraints. After that Emp took out a remote. Pressing a red button that unleashed two hands each.

Emperor: Now this device I ordered (off of Amazon prime LOL sorry) will tickle you guys for however long I want it to be, and I'll be out for at least 2 hours, so all I can say is....Have fun.

S4: No! Wait don't!

Emperor: Buh bye...S4 ahahahahaha!

All I can say is that.....this was fun so I'll be in the toaster if there are more requests bye pop tart out.😇

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