💙Headphones x N-pacer💛

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Ah yes~ my favorite lesbian couple. Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over *sips tea*☕️

(Narrators pov)
It was a beautiful afternoon in inkopolis, Headphones and  N-Pacer were hanging out in N-Pacer's room. The two girls were chatting and giggling while during their conversation N-Pacer was in her thoughts while she stared at her girlfriend.

N-Pacer: *mind* What an adorable giggle of hers... So cute, even her smile is adorable. I really want to hear more of it, and if I was able to I would listen to it the whole afternoon...all day even- wait.

N-Pacer looked at the two neatly folded sweaters that laid at the edge of the bed allowing an idea to appear in her head. With an interested smile she leaned over and grabbed them.

Headphones: Aaand that why Goggles isn't allowed sugar-...um..Pacer?..What are you doing?

N-Pacer: Love, I have a small favor I wish to ask of you if it's ok...

Headphones: Um..sure..What do you need?

N-Pacer: Can you lie down for me if you can, and um...put you arm above your head.. Please?

Headphones gave a confused look but her curiosity wanted to see what sort of idea her girlfriend has so she listened and complied. N-Pacer was delighted that Headphones went along with her plan and found it adorable that she had no idea what she was about to do to her. She kept Headphone's ankles together and used the sleeves of one sweater to tie them up. She then went up to the latter's arms and did the same thing, holding her wrists above her head and tied them together with the sleeves of the other sweater.

N-Pacer: There we go. Now you shouldn't be able to squirm away.

Headphones: *mind* Squirm away? What could she mean by that?

N-Pacer sat back onto the bed, she looked at Headphones giving her a warm smile causing her lover to blush.

Headphones: N-Pacer...u-uh what are you going to do next? I-I'm a little nervous as to why I'm t-tied up like this.

N-Pacer: Don't worry love I'm not going to hurt you, but I need to also check something first.

Headphones: And w-what's th- Ah! Hehehehe- H-Hey!

N-Pacer had lightly tickled her lover's side and to her surprise her expectations were correct, her girlfriend is really ticklish! It wasn't long until headphones caught on to what her girlfriend has planned and tried to struggle.

N-Pacer: No no my love, you aren't going anywhere, besides we haven't fully started yet haha.

With that said N-Pacer held a feather in her hand, twirling it in a teasing way while Headphones was still nervously making attempts to squirm away, but N-Pacer held her girlfriend's wrists down and playfully began stroking the feather in her armpits up and down causing Headphones to burst into a fit of giggles.

Headphones: Ahahahaha no! Nohoho! Hahahahaha Pacer-hahaha!! Whahahat are you hahahaha doing to mehehehe?! That tickles!

N-Pacer: I know that hun, that's the point.

Headphones: Hahaha oh nohohoho! Plehehehease hahahaha it tihihickles! Haahaha!

Headphones continued to let her giggles loose throughout the room, as much as she tried to squirm it was no use as N-Pacer held her still while continuing to brush the feather slowly over her lover's armpits and neck, listening to the giggles as if it was sweet music to her ears. This was it, this is what N-Pacer was after and yet it still wasn't enough, she wanted to hear more. So she stopped using the feather setting it down next to the still giggly blue inkling and sat up.

Headphones: Hah..haha..hah..N-N-pacer? What are y-you hah..going to d-do?

N-Pacer didn't say anything and instead proceeded to remove Headphones socks leaving her feet out in the open. Headphones looked down at her now exposed toes and looks away blushing, N-Pacer noticed and quietly thought to herself.

N-Pacer:*mind* Aw is she embarrassed?...Cute..

Headphones: S-Stop staring...

N-Pacer: Huh- Oh, sorry about that. Now where were we?

N-Pacer picked up the feather once more and began to gracefully glide back and forth over Headphone's soles causing the blue inkling to burst into giggles once more.

Headphones: Ahahaha! Nohoho not my feehehehet!! Hahahahahaha hahahaha N-Pacer- babe plehehehease! Hehehehe!

N-Pacer was enjoying the sight and sound of this enjoying every single second. After 5 more minutes N-Pacer moved the feather to to Headphone's stomach, making swirls, flutters, and even using it in her bellybutton. Headphones giggles were no more instead they turned into laughs of ticklish insanity.

Headphones: Hahahahahahaha!! Nohohoho not there! Hahahahahaha ahahahaha anywhere but thehehere!! N-Pacer plehehehease I'm begging you hahaha hahahaha!!

N-Pacer: Aww sorry my blueberry muffin but your giggles are just too cute. I want to hear more of them, so please keep giggling for me my love okay? Keep giggling for me~.

N-Pacer continued to coo and tease Headphones while endlessly tickling her. Moving the tickles from her armpits and neck to her stomach then her feet and went right back to her armpits and neck, repeating the movement of tickle areas for almost an hour. Soon after she finished tickling Headphones once more on her stomach N-Pacer set the feather down, and undid the knots she made on the sleeves of the sweaters she tied around her now out of breath girlfriend's wrists and ankles.

N-Pacer: I'm sorry Headphones, I didn't know I was getting carried away I-

Headphones interrupted her girlfriend with a kiss on the lips, when she pulled away she gave her a warm shy smile.

Headphones: T-That was actually really fun...I..liked it actually.

The comment caused N-Pacer to lightly blush and giggle a bit.

Headphones: Oh my, your giggles are also quite cute N-Pacer...

Headphones had a mischievous look on her face as she pinned her girlfriend onto the bed with one hand and began lightly tickling her neck causing the female knight to let a few giggles of her own to slip out.

N-Pacer: Hahahaha L-Love hahahaha ok ok you got mehehehe! Ahahahahaha!

Headphones: Nnnope consider this payback for tickling me for an hour! Haha now it's your turn babe.

Headphones lifted the bottom half of her girlfriend's tank top to reveal her stomach, she then picked up the same feather her girlfriend finished using on her. N-Pacer looked over and immediately began to squirm while blushing madly.

N-Pacer: Y-You're not going to-

Headphones: Oh I'm definitely gonna use it on you! I'm not the only one who's going to receive the feather treatment~.

N-Pacer: No..Headphones hun wait wai- GAhahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha that hehehe that tickles! Hohohow long are you hahahahaha going to do hehehe this to mehehehe?!

Headphones: Don't worry hun I'll be fair and do this an hour but will you be able to last this long? Let's see then, shall we~.

N-Pacer: Hahahahaha I guess hehehe we shall my hahahaha love~ hahahaha!

*Contiues to sip tea☕️* Damn I love these lesbians
Yeah so I'm back and I decided to renovate this chapter because it felt too short and I want to express my love for this ship. Anyhoo
Hope you guys enjoyed this!

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