Emperor and Prince

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⚠️Hey hey just a heads up this is not a fucking ship their fucking brothers for godsakes this just brotherly playfulness OK?!!?! Now let's read!!⚠️ And Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

(Narrators pov) It was morning time in inkopolis at Emperor and Prince's mansion (hey they said they're super rich) Prince came down the stairs plotting something to do to Emperor.

Prince: Hey brother.

Emperor: Yes Prince what is it?

Prince: Turn around I want to show you something.

Emperor: Um ok...

As soon as Emp turned around Prince attacked wiggling his fingers on Emperor's back making emp jump

Emperor: What the hell prince!

Prince: Oopsies sorry big brother NOT! Hahaha!

Emperor: Ok that's it come back here you little squit!

Emperor began chasing Prince all over the mansion.

Prince: Hahaha you can't catch me

Emperor: Oh when i get my hands on you i'm gonna...

Prince: do nothing

The chase lasted for a good five minutes until Prince soon found himself cornerd turning to see his big brother over looking him Prince started to get scared

Emperor: Well well well looks like your luck ran out Prince now time for revenge.

Prince: B-B-Big brother w-we can talk about this please Stop! Wait! No!

Emperor grabbed Prince's hands with one arm and tickled his armpits with the other hand Prince was a laughing squirming mess trying to get away from his big brother's tickling.

Prince: Nohohohahaha stop please hahahahahahah not the armpits hehehe hahahahahahah let mehehe go!

Emperor: Not until you apologize for tickling me

Prince: Never

Emperor: Well then let's see if this makes you sorry!

Emperor pinned his brother to the floor and tickled his stomach. Prince couldn't take it anymore, Emp chuckled while watching his little brother squirm.

Emperor: Give up little brother?

Prince: Ok ok hahahahahahah I'm sorry for hahahahahahah tickling you Emperor!

Emperor stopped tickling Prince and released him.

Emperor: Good i'm glad you've learned your lesson now come on get ready for turf wars.

Prince: Ok.*mind*I'm so gonna get him back later.

The end peeps Prince will never learn lol :D

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