💜(Yandere!) Skull x Mask🩵

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This was requested by _chillidespair_ enjoy :3. And Just a reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

Mask's p.o.v.
Wha-what happened? I remember something that felt blurry and for some reason....scary........Wait! I remember everything now! That.......that psychopath...he...he killed Aloha.

Flash back
Mask: Hey Aloha.....Are you ok in there? I heard a bunch of noise coming from the kitchen and I was hoping you were......

And there he was, lying on the floor with multiple stab wounds in his chest, bleeding out onto the floor......DEAD. But guess who was holding the knife, and covered in blood?

Mask: S-S-Skull?!

Skull: Oh! M-Masky! Uhm w-what are you doing here? You.....weren't supposed to see this.

I was horrified. Why did he do this? What did Aloha ever do to him? I couldn't take it. I had to call the police. I ran out of my house so that I could run to the police station. I wanted them to arrest him. Then I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and then everything went black.

(End) of  flashback
Poor Aloha. I couldn't bare thinking about his death. I need to go to the police, but I couldn't move, and I had tape over my mouth. I can't scream for help. Then I looked over to see.....A HORRIFIC NIGHTMARE a pile of dead bodies. I could identify a few; Diver, Designer Headphones, Bobble Hat, Army, and......Aloha. Then I saw.......HIM. Just standing there smiling like a psychopath. I was terrified. I tried to move again but I found out my hands and feet handcuffed to the rails of the bed. My shirt, socks, and shoes were missing.

Mask: Mmmmphhh!...(You...Let me go you psychopath!)

He put a finger close to my taped mouth. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. He ripped the tape off my mouth I was scared.

Skull: Finally, you're awake, I guess I put too much tranquilizer into you, huh.

Mask: You....you monster!....How could you do thi-

Skull: SShhh....I had to do what had to be done. They were trying to take you away from me and I couldn't allow that to happen....so I had to.....Get rid of them. But now, you're all mine. No one else can have you just me and only me Now let's begin, I'm so excited that I finally get to play with you senpai!

He started, to wiggle his fingers and walked closer. I wanted to back up, I wanted to get away from him, but the handcuffs were still holding me down. Then I realized what he was going to do to me.

Mask: N-n-no please! Stay away! Skull please! Not that! Anything but that! Stop!

Skull: Oh I'm not gonna stop because I really~ want to play with your body senpai. (A/N Well um....that sounded a little lewd)

He started to tickle my sides, I didn't want to laugh but I'm sensitive and ticklish everywhere so I couldn't take it.

Mask: Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha No stop! Hahahahahahaha plehehease!

Skull: Nope, you're so adorable and very ticklish to. You're fun to play with senpai.

Mask: Hahahahahahaha fahahack please! Hahahahahahaha just stop! Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha it tickles!

Skull: This is fun but I want to make it even more fun........Hey! I just got a fun idea to make our play time even more fun senpai. Just wait right here. I'll be back.

I couldn't take this anymore. I was waiting until he left to call for help but......

Skull: Oh, and don't even try calling for help because if you do, I might have to do a little surgery and take your adorable voice away~.....and you won't be getting any anesthesia AT. ALL. HAHAHAHAHA.

He's crazy! Those words horrified me, so I kept my mouth shut.

Skull: Good, now I'll be back.

Someone please get me out of here.

Time skip (10 minutes later)

What's taking him so long? I just want whatever torture he's gonna do to me, to be done and over with. Then I heard the basement door open again but he was holding a box of something...I don't know what it is.

Skull: I'm baaaaack. Senpai, did you miss me?

I wanted to say "no" but I was afraid of what he might do to me. So I kept my mouth shut.

Skull: Sorry I took so long I had to murder moony.

Murder the moon? What did he mean by-......No...He couldn't have.

Flash back
Moon Glasses: Hey Skull, have you...um seen Mask anywhere? Him and Desi were suppose to be doing practice today.

Skull:Um yeah I have.....he's in the kitchen. You wanna see him?

Moon Glasses: Yes please..........um Skull where's Mask?

Skull: Oh! He's locked up in basement along with the other corpses.

Moon Glasses: WHAT?! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!

End of flash back

Skull: Well, that doesn't matter to me anymore.

I couldn't believe this, I was horrified, I want to go home....Until I felt a scratchy, yet tickly feeling on my feet....he was using brushes on my feet. I couldn't resist it again.

Mask: Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha plehease stop hahahahahahaha it tickles!!!

Skull: Nope. Now I want you to stay and play with me. You'll be with me senpai and we'll get to play like this every day....FOREVER!

I knew it. Well this is my fate I'm trapped in here being tickle tortured by a psychopath who's madly in love with me and will kill anyone that tried to take me away from him or got in his way....FOREVER!

Wow 906 words well lets hope someone will save Mask.

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