💛Emperor x Rider💚

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Another wonderful request from a user who wished to stay anonymous but still thank you for your request! And just a reminder all characters in this book are 18 and over. Now Enjoy!!

(Narrator's pov)
It was busy evening for Emperor who was training at Starfish MainStage. Emperor had just finished up his last battle with his team for the day and he decided he wanted to stay back and train for a few hours.

Emperor: Ok then. I think that's enough for today...ugh.. I'm tired..

Emperor was about to walk out of the area until...

???: Hey Emperor! Think fast!!

Emperor: Huh-

All of a sudden Emperor received a hard whack and was knocked out cold and the inkling who committed the crime was none other than...Rider. Poor Emperor wasn't able to dodge it in time, as he laid unconscious on the ground, Rider chuckled to himself being proud of his work.

Rider: You could've dodged that but for once you were too f*cking slow, haha.(No Sonic reference)

Rider picked Emperor up and carried him back to his apartment. He took out his keys to unlock and open the door, Rider walked into his bedroom and placed the still unconscious Emperor down on his bed and opened his closet, he grabbed a box he had hidden behind a small pile of clothes.

Rider: *mind* Never thought there'd be the day I would use this stuff but...

Rider looked back at Emperor with a mischievous smile.

Rider: *mind* I guess this'll be extra fun after all,...he's a rival of mine and I'm not quite finished with him. Especially after that turf match..

Rider walked over to Emperor holding a few ropes.

Rider: *mind* I wasn't done with you yet...

(Timeskip) 1 hour later
Emperor slowly opened his eyes, his vision was dizzy and he had a terrible headache.

Emperor: Uuogh,...m-my..head...ow.. It really hurts...M-Maybe I...should go grab a cup of wa-..Huh?!

He was about to get up but he realized he couldn't, he looked up to see his hands were tied above his head then he looked down to also see his jacket open and his socks and shoes were missing along with his feet tied together. He tried struggling to get out of the restraints but they were super tight to where he couldn't even make them budge.

Emperor: What the hell?! Who did this to me? Someone get me out here!

Rider: Well well well, you're finally awake. Good, that means we can get started...

Emperor: Rider?! Why am I tied up? W-Why are you doing this?

Rider: Because I wasn't done with you yet Emp.

Emperor: W-What are you talking ab-?

Rider: Remember our match from yesterday?

Emperor immediately remembered what Rider was talking about, yesterday they had a turf match and of course Emperor and his team had won. Except something was off, Emperor saw a mischievous face on Rider rather than his normal grumpy face but didn't bother giving it much attention. (bet you wish you did now huh..dumbass)

Emperor: W-Wait if this is about that..then...well you should've trained harder. Not my fault you lost so bad. Besides you should have already learned to not be a sore lose- Gahahahaha!!

Rider cut off the rest of Emperor's sentence with a single finger stroking his left foot, it immediately made Emperor loose it. Rider was getting upset at what Emperor was about to say but, was also surprised at how ticklish the sun-yellow squid was when he was only using one finger on his foot, Rider stopped after a few more seconds.

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