Emperor and Prince pt. 2

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⚠️Hey hey AGAIN just a heads up this is not a fucking ship their fucking brothers for godsakes this just brotherly playfulness OK?!!?! Now let's read!!⚠️
I wanted to make a part 2 cuz y not people may "but didn't you already make a part-" shut up ok i am going to do this and no nobody will stop me so look at the image above and DEAL WITH IT🙂 and Just a fucking reminder to you all characters in this book are 18 and over

Emperor and Prince were training at the reef with their team, Prince was plotting a way to get back at emp for what he did to him the other day.

Prince *mind*: I have to get Nii-san back somehow.....Ah ha! I've got it hehehe.

~Time skip~

Emperor was sitting on the couch, lost in his thoughts. He was thinking about the other day when he nearly tickled Prince to death.

Emperor *mind*: Hmm maybe I was a bit to hard on Prince the other day I should probably apologize to him.

Prince: Puhuhu he's right there, not even knowing what I'm getting ready to do to him.

He took a phone out of his pocket and speed dialed Gloves.

Prince: You have it ready Gloves?

Gloves: Yeah I do, I can only do one shot ok?

Prince: Got it. Ok he's getting up to go in the kitchen...Ok, he's in your range hit him now and I'll take care of the rest ok?

Gloves: Ok.

Emperor was about to exit the kitchen to go to his room, when suddenly he felt something hit his neck.

Emperor: Ow! What the heck hit me-

And with that poor Emperor fell to the floor K'O.

Prince: Yes! A direct hit ha ha! Nice work Gloves.

Gloves: Anytime.

Prince: *mind* Now with Nii-San asleep lets have our fun, hehe hahahahaha!
(couldn't help but put in evil laugh)

~Time skip~ it was nighttime.

Emperor woke up finding himself handcuffed to his own bed. He started struggling violently trying to escape.

Emperor: What in the- what is this?! Why am i tied up?! Someone help!!!

Prince: Sshhh it's ok Emp tee hee hee.

Emperor: Prince!? I knew something wasn't right, let me go this instant!

Prince: Nope. I'm afraid I can't do that.

Emperor: Prince let. Me. Go. NOW!!!

Prince: Now is that the way to talk to your little brother Nii-San? If you're gonna act like this, I guess I'll have to shut you up.

Prince took out some duct tape and ripped a piece, as he walked towards Emperor.

Emperor: Prince please stop no! Sto-! Mmf mm mf!

Prince: There, much better. Now that you're quiet lets start playing then shall we?

Emperor was terrified seeing his little brother act like this and tried to escape but he couldn't.

Emperor: Mmmpph mmhh mpph mmphh (Prince stop! Don't come any closer! Stop it! You're scaring me!)

Prince began tickling Emperor's sides making him squirm away a little bit.

Prince: Hey where do you think you're going?

Prince put Emperor back where he was and got on top of him using his knees to keep him from squirming away again.

Prince: Now then where were we?

Prince tickled his armpits. Emperor felt like he was being tormented while Prince tickled him all over.

Prince: Nii-san your giggles are to cute so I want to hear them.

Prince removed the tape from Emperor's mouth and put it to the side just in case he wanted to use it again.

Emperor: P-Prince why? W-Why are you doing this to me?

Prince: Because I changed my mind, this isn't about getting you back for what you did to me two days ago. This is because you're soooo adorable when being tickled. You have the cutest laugh and Eging was right about that since he's the one who told me.

Emperor: Eging?! That son of a-

Emperor was interrupted when Prince put a finger on his mouth.

Prince: I want to do this to you Nii-San and I will do this, there's nothing you can about it.

Emperor was shocked at his own brother's words.

Emperor: Well whatever you want to do to me, go ahead! I-I can take it.

Prince had a evil smile on his face, as he began tickling him again.

Prince *Mind*: He'll enjoy it, I know he will. He doesn't really have a choice. I know my big brother, he's extremely ticklish.

Emperor couldn't stand the tickle torture anymore and bursted into a fit of laughter.

Emperor: Hahaha no! Stop! Hahaha! Nohoho hahaha more! Make it stop! Plehehehease!!!

Prince: I'm not going to, until you admit you're enjoying this.

Emperor: Hahahahahahah! Never! Hahahahahahah!!!

Prince: Ok, tickle tickle tickle Nii-San.

The torture continued for over an hour, until Emperor couldn't take it anymore and finally gave in.

Emperor: Haa..haa..Ok ok you win, I... I enjoyed it. There I said it, now let me go.

Prince: As you wish.

Prince undid the handcuffs releasing Emperor and was about to leave, until he was tackled to the ground and got picked up by his older brother who carried him back to his bed and locked him in the handcuffs. Prince was a struggling mess trying to escape until he saw his big brother on top of him wiggling his fingers.

Emperor: My turn.

Prince: Wait! What?!

Emperor tickle tortured Prince all over his body, the same way he had done to him.

Prince: Hahahahahahaha! Nohohohahaha stop! Please stop! Hahaha nohohohahaha more! Plehehehease! Nii-San hahahahaha! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!!!

Emperor: Oh sorry's not gonna cut it this time Prince. I need to make sure that you fully understand that you should never tickle me ever! So now we're going to be doing this until I see that you've learned your lesson we can even be here all night if we have to. Now then it's my turn to play.

Prince: No! N-no! Nii-San please! I'm sorry! No! Emperor! Please!

Emperor: Too late for apologies little brother.

Prince: Hahahahahahah hahahahahahah nohohohahaha nii-san noooo!!!

Yeesh this felt like a long chapter but i'm ready to announce something very big. 😀

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