High School Sweethearts

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First time doing an xReader fic! Hope you guys enjoy :)

Tadashi x Reader

You're in your senior year in high school and things are getting pretty busy, there's college to think about and you were so unsure about it. You were in your classroom being tutored by your childhood and best friend, Tadashi Hamada. You admired him for his intelligence, he was the top of your class and he had already planned a future ahead of him. He told you about his plans in going to SFIT and helping everyone. It also made you happy about how he keeps on talking about his genius brother who was also already in high school despite being so young, you could see the love in his eyes for his little brother and it was cute.

You were lost in your thoughts when all of a sudden Tadashi flicked your forehead. "(Y/N) , are you listening?"  


"Here I am taking my time explaining to you and you don't listen," he pouts and gives you his puppy eyes. This man, really...

"I'm sorry Tadashi," you groaned and put your face in your hands. "It's just that I don't get this. I give up." 

Tadashi cups your face and looks straight into your eyes, wiping the (H/C) hair from your face so that he could see you clearly. Your heart beat went crazy and you could imagine how flushed you are right now.

"Hey, I'm not giving up on you." He smiled and then squished your cheeks. "We're graduating together and I'm here to help. You're good at this, (Y/N)."

"Thanks Tadashi," you smiled at him and you had this fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Warm and fuzzy and happy. He made you happy. He sighed and went back to tutoring you making sure you got everything. Tadashi liked you ever since he set eyes on you, a crush he's been developing inside of him. But the amazing Tadashi Hamada was to shy to ever tell you and too afraid to lose your friendship. 

You wanted to graduate of course, but then it would mean parting ways with Tadashi. You knew you don't really have a future in his field and you wanted to go to pursuit art or literature. This made you sad but happy too, you could see a really bright future ahead of Tadashi. Tadashi felt the same, for him losing you would be losing a part of himself, but he wanted to be the best for you, doing his best for the people he loved and especially you. You were Tadashi's inspiration.

For years, you had been classmates with Tadashi. Now, the idea of parting ways made you sad and you could give anything to just stop that moment right there, with just you and Tadashi. You just didn't know Tadashi felt the same way too.

After the tutoring, the both of you decided to eat at the Lucky Cat Cafe. Hiro was already home and it seemed like he skipped a class. You were going to ride on his bike, you've been doing it for years but it was only recently you felt conscious. Because only recently you found out you liked this dork. This amazing, slefless, cute, funny, smart, talented and idiotic piece of a dork. 

You gripped tightly on his uniform and buried your face in his back. It was a long way from school to the cafe. It was noisy and cars were honking in the busy streets of San Fransokyo.

"I love you (Y/N)(L/N)."

Your (E/C) eyes widened and your heart skipped a beat. Tadashi thought you didn't hear it under all the noise of the street but you could hear it as loud as you heard the thumping of his heart. He was really nervous and was trying to calm himself down. You couldn't speak.

You arrived at the cafe and got down from his bike fixing your skirt. Your mind raced with the things you are going to say. Tadashi thinks you didn't hear it,  but you did. And you wanted to hear it again and again and again. 

Just as he was about to enter the cafe you held on tightly to his hand. It was now or never.

"I love you too Tadashi Hamada." 

He turned around, eyes wide. For a moment it was as if the world paused and it was just him and you. For a moment both of you threw out all of your worries for the future, now was something to be treasured. He smiled sweetly and pulled you closer kiss your forehead and let out a big sigh of relief, you laughed at his reaction and then you were on your toes to reach his lips with yours in your first kiss. It was sweet and something worth to be remembered. 

After the kiss ended you stared into his eyes. "I love you (F/N) (L/N)," he said again. 


I'm sorry! i just had to

my feels for Tadashi :'(

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